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Music, a reflection of the richness and diversity of indigenous cultures.

Music, a reflection of the richness and diversity of indigenous cultures.

Fourteen groups from Oaxaca and Canada participate in Indigenous Encounters.

Music is one of the forms of expression that allow us to know cultures around the world, for indigenous peoples it is also a sample of their ancestral values ​​and a way to keep their traditions, language and traditions alive. sounds that define them.

Within Encuentros Indígenas Canada-Oaxaca, fourteen groups and musicians representing indigenous communities of both territories, are in a musical compilation that allows, through seven duets, to know and contrast their richness and cultural variety.

This is how the Canadian community singer Oji-Cree, Mattmac, who suffers from a disability and has written songs since the age of 13 as a way to combat depression, presents “Break me down”, in the same duo we find the trilingual Mixtec rap artist An Isu, who is a defender of the rights of indigenous migrants and participates with his song “Ñuu ñùù Yukù”.

In the second pair they participate Cris Derksen, from the Canadian community Cree, an indigenous composer of international prestige, who intertwines the traditional and contemporary and presents “Our home on native land”, for his part Kumantuk xuxpë, explores psychedelia through orality taken from stories and legends of the Ayuujk region, his music fuses the traditional with electronic music and is perceived in “Jëën Pejk”.

Go pream (mixe) y Sebastian Gaskin (believe), they perform in duo three with the songs “Golden 2” and “Snakehold,” respectively. The Santa María Tlahuitoltepec ensemble, inheritors of the Mixe musical tradition, have a proposal with a mix of funk, balkan, jazz and soon, while Gaskin, who is a multi-instrumentalist musician, explores rhythm and blues and hip- hop.

Elisapie sings about the facets of being a woman and through her femininity, we meet an Inuit proud of her origins, get to know her through her song “Don´t live by the rules”, in the same duo you will listen to Javier Meza ElKalulu, a musician of Chocholteco origin, who with his art, seeks to strengthen his identity and indigenous language, both in danger of extinction, listens to his work “Mother Earth”.

Pasatono It is undoubtedly a contemporary proposal of traditional Oaxacan music, its sounds and themes are extracted from an ancient world that is renewed, they participate in duo five together with The Halluci Nation, representatives of the Mohawk community of Canada, whose musical proposal revolves around collaboration.

In the sixth duo the artistic proposals of Silla and Rise, an indigenous group of Inuit guttural singing and Kujipy, representatives of the Ayuujk community, who recreate the mixes sones and fandangos incorporating a mix of funk, dub, trip hop, slam, among other genres.

Finally, the musical proposals of Mixe Represent (Ayuujk) and Snotty Noz Rez Kids (Haisla), converge in duo seven, who through rap mix traditional and contemporary sounds in their songs “Maíz nativo” and “Boujee Natives”, respectively.

Enjoy this musical tour in the capsule conducted by Carlos Bautista, on the Sound Cloud channels: SECULTA GobOax or Radio Universidad de Oaxaca. It is also available on YouTube as Indigenous Encounters 2021.

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