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Mushrooms rich in various nutrients … 4 health benefits

Mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, and with their unique taste and flavor, they reduce salt intake as a condiment substitute and are beneficial for weight loss. [사진=클립아트코리아]

This is Song Yi-cheol Although they are not expensive mushrooms costing hundreds of thousands of won per kg, there are many mushrooms that can be purchased for a few won. One of the foods that goes well with the fresh autumn atmosphere fungusto be. Mushrooms can be eaten roasted or fried. If you add it to rice or pasta, it becomes a wonderful dish. Mushrooms are good for your healthThings


rich in vitamin D.

vitamin DIS Bone healthIt is an essential nutrient for When you are deficient in vitamin D, the calcium from food is not absorbed properly by the body, causing the bones to become weak. Vitamin D is usually sunlightIt is absorbed into the body by People who suffer from a prolonged lack of sunlight or who work in places where there is no sunlight should supplement their vitamin D through their diet. fungussilver vitamin DIt is a representative food containing It is almost the only non-animal vitamin D food. It can be of great help for people who are not good at eating meat.

role of natural seasoning

Mushrooms are unique taste and aromabecause it stinks Seasoningcan be replaced without adding too much salt rich tasteYou can savor it and reduce your salt intake. A study published in the Journal of Food Science found that replacing 80 percent of taco meat with mushrooms can reduce sodium intake by 25 percent. Mushrooms are replace the meatIt is also a unique tasting food that can be made. Grilling pine mushrooms and soaking them in oil can give you the same satisfaction as eating meat. ‘


weight loss

Mushrooms are calorieit’s low though nutritional valueis abundant A study published in the Journal Appetite found that obese people Mushrooms instead of meatjust by eating body mass indexis greatly reduced. It is good to eat meat every now and then. You can reduce your calorie and fat intake by replacing meat with mushrooms every day.


control of cholesterol level

in mushrooms ‘Betaglucan’Iran fibercontains this Beta glucan is a compound that synthesizes and breaks down fat. function of fat metabolismimprove blood flow cholesterol levelHowever, if you stop taking beta-glucan, your blood cholesterol concentration may rise again, so it is recommended that you eat foods containing beta-glucan, including mushrooms.

Journalist Jeong Hee-eun

[email protected]

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