Home » today » Health » Museum project: the history of Tulle hospital traced through more than 4,000 medical objects sleeping in the former operating theater

Museum project: the history of Tulle hospital traced through more than 4,000 medical objects sleeping in the former operating theater

“Welcome to my mess!”. On the 8th floor of the hospital center, Patrick Poujade, nurse anesthetist in the operating room, watches over a real treasure. Passionate about the Tulle hospital, he preserves the history of the establishment through more than 4,000 objects, old medical instruments from the end of the 19th century to the 1990s but also kitchen equipment, carefully collected and preserved over time. .

An old operating theater from the 1950s

In this old operating room with period tiling, barely lit, it is difficult to set foot. Patrick Poujade, he knows where he is going. It even has an ambition: to open this 1956 operating theater to visitors for Heritage Days.

It is one of the blocks if not “the” oldest block in France

Patrick Poujade (Nurse anesthetist)

In this incredible room, sleep a thousand treasures that Patrick Poujade as a true collector would like to show. “I have been doing this for 20 years. I am passionate about history ”.
The vast majority of these objects come from the hospital, 20% being private donations. “And some purchases were made at second-hand markets,” explains the collector.

In the past, the pieces were made of glass and could be used again.

Some key pieces

The old ward room contains some key pieces such as a collection of glass syringes, which testify to their development from 1880 to 1980. There is also everything necessary for a nurse’s blood sample, with her tubes. “Certain instruments have taken an important rating and are sought after,” he said.
Pacemakers from the 1970s, old care trolleys, surgical instruments, breast pumps, a home midwifery kit, the first scope of the Tulle hospital, glass aerosols, an insufflator for Laparoscopy, a machine for making suppositories… Patrick Poujade knows the history and use of each of these instruments and plans to list them. A vast and indispensable site.

Syrups in their vintage packaging

This strange museum also houses syrups in their vintage packaging and infusion solutions from the 1930s. The “curator” even takes reusable urinary catheters from a shelf.

Nowadays everything is disposable. But at the time, it was not. Today it’s unthinkable, he said, grabbing a copper bean.

In Ali Baba’s cave, there are even stretchers used during the war which he plans to donate to the Tulle museum.

Urgency to find a room

Part of the collection has also found refuge on the 10th floor of the building. However, security standards require Patrick Poujade to free up the space by the end of May. A source of anguish for the enthusiast who does not want to see this exceptional heritage leave in the dumpster. He has made a proposal to management and is awaiting a response. He would like to recover the former ophthalmology premises, on the 6th floor of the old building, which serve as a material depot. He hopes that this solution will be the right one to make the old block of the 1950s a room occasionally open to the public, supplemented by the rooms of the 6th as visiting reserves.

Who is Eric Villeneuve, new director of Tulle hospital (Corrèze)?

Laetitia Soulier photos Agnès Gaudin

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