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Museum Association Sender Dobl: Sender Dobl is ready for the public

The transmitter is the landmark of Dobl-Zwaring that can be seen from afar. The listed facility contains a technical gem that is unique in Europe. The historic medium-wave transmitter system now makes the Museum association transmitter Dobl accessible to the public. Engines of the museum are Hubert Tschugmell and Peter Kalcherwhich, with the support of the community, provide an insight into the eventful history of the radio station.

156 m high, the transmitter is the tallest building in Styria.

Planned by the Nazis for propaganda purposes even before the Second World War, the transmitter went into operation in 1941. “There was never any production in Dobl, only broadcasting,” says Tschugmell, and that was under the Nazi regime until 1945. The transmitter was prevented from being blown up at the end of the war, as was its removal by the Russians. The system was handed over to the BBC by the British crew, and the ORF, which broadcast from Dobl until 1984, took over when the state contract was signed. In 1988 the community bought the transmitter, in 1995 the Antenne Steiermark moved in and made Dobl known beyond the national borders. When the antenna moved out in 2015, many considerations were made about re-use. Thanks to the perseverance and voluntary commitment of the two telecommunications technicians, the system remained functional and the transmission room with its historical furnishings, the 1,050 hp and six-tonne diesel engine built in 1939, the antenna equipment and collections worth seeing about radio and broadcasting via the museum association of the preserve posterity. Guided tours by appointment 0664-4005124. The Dobl-Lieboch music school is to find a new home in the empty wing, Mayor Waltraud Walch know at the opening of the museum.

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