ROMA — Now we understand many things about the rush Michela Murgia was in to put her final wishes down on paper. Time had started to run fast and she wanted to fix everything, leave nothing unfinished. She knew she was in debt and that worried her. She then thought of writing a holographic will to give indications on how to proceed.
The wedding
Michela Murgia got married to Lorenzo Terenzi: “No wishes, we did it reluctantly”
edited by Redazione Cronaca
How much money was it? Not huge numbers. Alessandro Giammei, one of Murgia’s “soul children”, chooses to speak with Republic to avoid useless speculation: «The idea that Michela Murgia had disputes or even challenges with the State and the tax authorities seems to me to be a great exaggeration. The situation is more banal. Michela, as everyone knows, has been very ill in the last two years and she has had to bear significant expenses both due to her medical situation and because she wanted to buy a stable house in Rome instead of continuing to rent. The only other house that Murgia has owned is in Cabras, a small house that she however had given to her mother, Costanza Marongiu, who needed it, and it is she who continues to live there and has the use of it.” .
Michela Murgia: “I present to you my queer family. Brides and grooms. And telling it is an increasingly political necessity”
To Giammei, the will says, this house will go into bare ownership only after the death of his mother so that it can be sold and «the liquidity is used to satisfy any need that could emerge after my death, with particular reference to debt situations ». In fact, according to an article in The truth, the Sardinian house would have a debt of 47,399 euros. To this figure would be added liabilities from various taxes not paid as employer of Isolanet, a company providing services related to information technology, and some fines, between 80 and 150 euros.
Michela Murgia marriage “in articulo mortis”: but what does it mean?
edited by Redazione Cronaca
Giammei reveals to Republic that the heirs will do everything possible: «We heirs have accepted Michela Murgia’s inheritance. Which among other things, also consists of the burden of resolving trivial debt situations. What breaks my heart is that these are situations that Michela would have solved very well on her own if she had been well: she had a plan with her accountant. I believe you suffered in realizing that there would not be time and in knowing that you would have to ask us for this final bureaucratic help.”
Michela Murgia: “I’ll tell you a secret. A queer family doesn’t mean orgies and sexual excesses. But mutual responsibility”
There are many things that Giammei, a professor at Yale, to whom the curatorship of Murgia’s unpublished work went by will, is keen to clarify. We are certainly not talking about large sums: «Michela didn’t have a real estate empire. In her life she has had opportunities to get rich but she has never taken advantage of them. She reinvested what she earned from her books, also for her electoral campaign in Sardinia. She is not a person who has accumulated, she has had a very greedy relationship with money.”
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by Pietro Forti
Last thing, the most important: «As can be understood from the will, his fear was that of not having time to pay off his debts. Some, among other things, are already canceled fines that date back to the period of his first cancer. For this reason he left a mandate to us, his heirs (the queer family, ndr) to resolve these situations. And we are doing it. Unfortunately, these are normal things that remain when a person is very ill and is in an uncomfortable situation.”
#Murgia #inherited #tax #debt #son #wasnt #time #care
– 2024-04-04 04:47:07