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Murder trial at the Mönchengladbach regional court: Kita educator prepares murder allegations after Greta (3) dies in court

November 19, 2020, 1:24 p.m.

In the murder case of Greta (3), the trial against an accused kindergarten teacher has begun. Image: Rolf Vennenbernd / picture alliance / dpa

The case had caused a stir nationwide in April: Little Greta had her chest compressed so tightly in a daycare center on the Lower Rhine that she later died. Now the murder trial has begun – against her teacher.

Since November 17, 2020, an educator has been on trial for the murder of three-year-old Greta and the mistreatment of kindergarten children in eight other cases. The 25-year-old German is indicted in Mönchengladbach, To have the girl’s chest compressed until she stopped breathing in a daycare center in Viersen on the Lower Rhine in April of this year. The child later died in the hospital.

Greta (3) killed by kindergarten teacher: murder trial at Mönchengladbach regional court has begun

The young woman is charged with the murder of Greta as well as the mistreatment of wards in eight other cases. Because already in other daycare centers in Krefeld, Kempen and Tönisvorst, she is said to have pressed the chests of children tightly and put them in mortal danger.

Each time she raised the alarm shortly afterwards, so that emergency services were called and the children survived. These cases had only become known and put into context through the investigation after Greta’s death.

Daycare teacher for child abuse and murder in court – defendant refused to testify

The motive for the acts is unclear. So far the defendant has refused to testify, but her lawyers have announced a statement for the next session on Thursday. Should she be found guilty of murder, she faces life imprisonment.

According to the indictment, her superiors and colleagues had repeatedly described her as unsuitable for the profession of educator. It was said that she behaved unemotionally and apathetically towards the children in particular. Nevertheless, she continued to work in the profession.

Murder Trial Greta: Defendant denies the allegations

In the trial of the killed daycare child Greta (3), the accused educator denied all allegations. In a defense attorney’s statement on Thursday, she had all allegations rejected. The 25-year-old German is accused of having squeezed Greta’s chest so tightly in her day care center in Viersen am Niederrhein during her afternoon nap that the girl later died in hospital. She is therefore charged with murder before the Mönchengladbach regional court.

Mourning for the killed Greta (3): estimated 19 days of trial in the murder trial

The Mönchengladbach regional court wants to hear more than 20 witnesses in the proceedings. A total of 19 days of negotiations are planned until the beginning of March. Co-plaintiffs are Greta’s mother and two other allegedly abused children from Krefeld and Kempen.

There were also allegations against the judicial authorities in connection with the case. Because in 2019, when she had long been working as a kindergarten teacher, the kindergarten teacher attracted attention for pretending to be a criminal offense in her hometown of Geldern. A doctor stated that she urgently needed psychological help, which the educator herself confirmed. But the supervisory authority, the state youth welfare office, was not informed about the woman’s mental health by the public prosecutor.

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