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Murder investigations ongoing – mystery surrounding second car

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New evidence suggests that Aaron E. was murdered on the mountain pasture in South Tyrol. But the case still raises questions.

Terenten – On August 18, Aaron E. was found dead on the Raffalm in South Tyrol. The 24-year-old had deep injuries to his neck and a chainsaw was lying next to him. At first it was unclear whether this was an accident, suicide or murder. But now there is growing suspicion that the young man from Terenten (Italy) was the victim of a crime. The reason for this is traces of blood on the suspected murder weapon and the confiscation of a second car.

It was originally assumed that the lumberjack had driven to the mountain pasture in his off-road vehicle in the early hours of the morning. It has since been revealed that Aaron E. spent the previous evening at a party, according to the Italian news agency AnsaHe returned to Terenten by taxi. What is particularly striking is that at the time of his death between 5 and 6 a.m., the 24-year-old was not wearing work clothes, but jeans and sneakers.

Mystery surrounding alleged murder on the South Tyrolean mountain pasture: Second car and traces of blood – second person involved?

Now investigators have seized a second vehicle. According to the broadcaster RaiNews It is said to be the victim’s private car. The SUV in which traces of blood were found had already been confiscated. According to several media reports, it is still being investigated whether the blood was that of the 24-year-old or that of another person. In the wake of the recent events, the Bolzano public prosecutor’s office is investigating murder, a common procedure in cases involving fatalities.

Aaron E. was found dead on August 18th on a mountain pasture in South Tyrol. (Symbolic image) © Panthermedia/Imago

Since blood was also found on the chainsaw, the theory is that the suspected murder weapon was deliberately placed in such a way to simulate an accident at work. However, due to the fact that the device was located well away from the body, this is rather unlikely, judges Südtirol NewsMeanwhile, Italian media claim to have learned that Aaron E. was killed in another location and then taken to the mountain pasture in South Tyrol.

Victim found “half-decapitated” on South Tyrolean pasture: Car is said to have followed young man

According to information from Ansa Investigators have confiscated the surveillance cameras near the 24-year-old’s home. The recordings are currently being analyzed to reconstruct the exact sequence of events on the night of August 17-18. Residents of Terenten claim to have seen and heard another unknown car that night following the young lumberjack on his way to the alpine pasture.

The 24-year-old was found in a condition that suggests a serious act of violence. According to several media reports, the local police described the condition of the body as “half-decapitated”. Just in June, a terrible discovery in South Tyrol made headlines. A body was discovered under a waterfall. In the meantime, it was suspected that it could be that of a missing 68-year-old from the region. (cln)

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