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Murder at Castle Nathria: 34 new cards announced (updated with high-res images)

Sinful Brand

Dispose of Evidence: 0 Mana, Rare, Spell. Gives your hero +3 Attack for this turn. Choose a card in your hand to shuffle it into your deck.

Sinful Brand: 1 Mana, Epic, Spell. Marks an enemy creature. When dealt damage, deal 2 damage to enemy hero.

Death Blossom Whomper

Death Blossom Whomper: 6 Mana, 7/6, Common. Battlecry: You draw one Deathrattlecreature and it gets its a Deathrattleof

Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage: 8 Mana, Rare, Spell. Deals 6 damage to three randomly selected enemy creatures. Any remaining damage hits the enemy hero.

  • The artwork was created by Zoltán Boros.

Chatty Bartender

Chatty Bartender: 4 Mana, 4/4, Common. At the end of your turn, if you have a Secreted, it deals 2 damage to all enemies.

Service Bell Divine Toll

Service Bell: 3 Mana, Rare, Spell. You discover (Discover mechanism) you draw a caste card from your deck and all of its copies.

Divine Toll: 7 Mana, Rare, Holy, Spell. Fires 5 beams at random creatures. Gives your creatures +2/+2 and deals 2 damage to enemy creatures.

  • The artwork was created by Zoltán Boros.

The Light It Burns Mysterious Visitor Identity Theft Partner in Crime

The Light! It Burns!: 1 Mana, Common, Holy, Spell. Deals damage to a creature equal to its Attack.

Mysterious Visitor: 2 Mana, 2/3, Epic. Battlecry: Reduces the Mana cost of your opponent’s copied cards by 2.

Identity Theft: 3 Mana, Common, Shadow, Spell. You discover (Discover mechanism) a copy of a card from your opponent’s hand and deck.

  • The artwork was created by Zoltán Boros.

Partner in Crime: 4 Mana, 2/5, Common. Battlecry: Summons a copy of this creature at the end of your turn.

Carving Chisel Crud Caretaker Criminal Lineup A giant

Carving Chisel: 2 Mana, 1/3, Common, Weapon. After your belly attacks, it will summon a random basic Totem.

Crud Caretaker: 4 Mana, 1/1, Common. Battlecry: Summons a 3/5 Elemental Taunt– of

  • Untreated Filth: 4 Mana, 3/5, Elemental. Taunt.

Untreated Filth

Criminal Lineup: 8 Mana, Common, Spell. Choose one of your creatures. Summons 3 copies of it. Overload: (2).

Gigantote: 10 Mana, 8/8, Epic, Totem. It costs 1 less each time you summon Totems in this match.

Suffocating Shadows

Suffocating Shadows: 3 Mana, Rare, Shadow, Spell. When you cast or discard this, it destroys a random enemy creature.

Anima Extractor Conquerors Banner Crazed Wretch Riot

Anima Extractor: 2 Mana, 1/4, Common. When one of your creatures takes damage, a random creature in your hand gets +1/+1.

Conqueror’s Banner: 2 Mana, Rare, Spell. Reveal a card from each player’s deck three times. You pull yours up every time if it costs more.

  • The artwork was created by Zoltán Boros.

Crazed Wretch: 2 Mana, 1/4, Common. With +2 Attack and Chargehas, while damaged.

Riot!: 2 Mana, Epic, Spell. Your creatures cannot drop below 1 Life this turn. They all attack a random enemy creature.

Dredger Staff Sinstone Totem Anonymous Informant Crooked Cook Roosting Gargoyle Creepy Painting Dinner Performer Invitation Courier Scuttlebutt Ghoul Muck Plumber Steamcleaner Stoneborn Accuser Masked Reveler Stoneborn General

Dredger Staff: 1 Mana, 1/2, Common. Battlecry: Gives creatures in your hand +1 Life.

Sinstone Totem: 1 Mana, 0/3, Common, Totem. At the end of your turn, he gets +1 Life.

Anonymous Informant: 2 Mana, 2/3, Common. Battlecry: The next Secret you play costs 0.

Crooked Cook: 2 Mana, 1/4, Rare. If you dealt 3 or more damage to an enemy hero, you draw a card at the end of your turn.

Roosting Gargoyle: 2 Mana, 2/3, Common. Battlecry: Gives one Beasted +2 Attack.

Creepy Painting: 3 Mana, 0/6, Common. After another creature dies, it turns into a copy of that creature.

Dinner Performer: 3 Mana, 2/3, Common. Battlecry: Summons a randomly selected creature from your deck with enough Mana.

Invitation Courier: 3 Mana, 3/4, Rare. Once you get a card from another caste, you copy it.

Scuttlebutt Ghoul: 4 Mana, 2/5, Common. Taunt. Battlecry: If you have a Secreted, you summon a copy of it.

Muck Plumber: 5 Mana, 5/5, Common. ALL creatures cost 2 more.

Steamcleaner: 5 Mana, 5/5, Rare, Mech. Battlecry: Destroys ALL cards in both players’ decks that were not originally in their decks.

Stoneborn Accuser: 5 Mana, 5/5, Common. Infuse (5): You get the following ability: “Battlecry: It does 5 damage.”

  • Stoneborn Accuser: 5 Mana, 5/5, Common. Infused. Battlecry: Does 5 damage.

Stoneborn Accuser Infused

Masked Reveler: 6 Mana, 4/4, Common. Rush. Deathrattle: Summons a 2/2 copy of another creature in your deck.

Stoneborn General: 10 Mana, 8/8, Common. Rush. Deathrattle: Summons an 8/8 Gravewing Rush-al.

  • Gravewing: 8 Mana, 8/8. Rush.


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