Dispose of Evidence: 0 Mana, Rare, Spell. Gives your hero +3 Attack for this turn. Choose a card in your hand to shuffle it into your deck.
Sinful Brand: 1 Mana, Epic, Spell. Marks an enemy creature. When dealt damage, deal 2 damage to enemy hero.
Death Blossom Whomper: 6 Mana, 7/6, Common. Battlecry: You draw one Deathrattlecreature and it gets its a Deathrattleof
Collateral Damage: 8 Mana, Rare, Spell. Deals 6 damage to three randomly selected enemy creatures. Any remaining damage hits the enemy hero.
- The artwork was created by Zoltán Boros.
Chatty Bartender: 4 Mana, 4/4, Common. At the end of your turn, if you have a Secreted, it deals 2 damage to all enemies.
Service Bell: 3 Mana, Rare, Spell. You discover (Discover mechanism) you draw a caste card from your deck and all of its copies.
Divine Toll: 7 Mana, Rare, Holy, Spell. Fires 5 beams at random creatures. Gives your creatures +2/+2 and deals 2 damage to enemy creatures.
- The artwork was created by Zoltán Boros.
The Light! It Burns!: 1 Mana, Common, Holy, Spell. Deals damage to a creature equal to its Attack.
Mysterious Visitor: 2 Mana, 2/3, Epic. Battlecry: Reduces the Mana cost of your opponent’s copied cards by 2.
Identity Theft: 3 Mana, Common, Shadow, Spell. You discover (Discover mechanism) a copy of a card from your opponent’s hand and deck.
- The artwork was created by Zoltán Boros.
Partner in Crime: 4 Mana, 2/5, Common. Battlecry: Summons a copy of this creature at the end of your turn.
Carving Chisel: 2 Mana, 1/3, Common, Weapon. After your belly attacks, it will summon a random basic Totem.
Crud Caretaker: 4 Mana, 1/1, Common. Battlecry: Summons a 3/5 Elemental Taunt– of
- Untreated Filth: 4 Mana, 3/5, Elemental. Taunt.
Criminal Lineup: 8 Mana, Common, Spell. Choose one of your creatures. Summons 3 copies of it. Overload: (2).
Gigantote: 10 Mana, 8/8, Epic, Totem. It costs 1 less each time you summon Totems in this match.
Suffocating Shadows: 3 Mana, Rare, Shadow, Spell. When you cast or discard this, it destroys a random enemy creature.
Anima Extractor: 2 Mana, 1/4, Common. When one of your creatures takes damage, a random creature in your hand gets +1/+1.
Conqueror’s Banner: 2 Mana, Rare, Spell. Reveal a card from each player’s deck three times. You pull yours up every time if it costs more.
- The artwork was created by Zoltán Boros.
Crazed Wretch: 2 Mana, 1/4, Common. With +2 Attack and Chargehas, while damaged.
Riot!: 2 Mana, Epic, Spell. Your creatures cannot drop below 1 Life this turn. They all attack a random enemy creature.
Dredger Staff: 1 Mana, 1/2, Common. Battlecry: Gives creatures in your hand +1 Life.
Sinstone Totem: 1 Mana, 0/3, Common, Totem. At the end of your turn, he gets +1 Life.
Anonymous Informant: 2 Mana, 2/3, Common. Battlecry: The next Secret you play costs 0.
Crooked Cook: 2 Mana, 1/4, Rare. If you dealt 3 or more damage to an enemy hero, you draw a card at the end of your turn.
Roosting Gargoyle: 2 Mana, 2/3, Common. Battlecry: Gives one Beasted +2 Attack.
Creepy Painting: 3 Mana, 0/6, Common. After another creature dies, it turns into a copy of that creature.
Dinner Performer: 3 Mana, 2/3, Common. Battlecry: Summons a randomly selected creature from your deck with enough Mana.
Invitation Courier: 3 Mana, 3/4, Rare. Once you get a card from another caste, you copy it.
Scuttlebutt Ghoul: 4 Mana, 2/5, Common. Taunt. Battlecry: If you have a Secreted, you summon a copy of it.
Muck Plumber: 5 Mana, 5/5, Common. ALL creatures cost 2 more.
Steamcleaner: 5 Mana, 5/5, Rare, Mech. Battlecry: Destroys ALL cards in both players’ decks that were not originally in their decks.
Stoneborn Accuser: 5 Mana, 5/5, Common. Infuse (5): You get the following ability: “Battlecry: It does 5 damage.”
- Stoneborn Accuser: 5 Mana, 5/5, Common. Infused. Battlecry: Does 5 damage.
Masked Reveler: 6 Mana, 4/4, Common. Rush. Deathrattle: Summons a 2/2 copy of another creature in your deck.
Stoneborn General: 10 Mana, 8/8, Common. Rush. Deathrattle: Summons an 8/8 Gravewing Rush-al.
- Gravewing: 8 Mana, 8/8. Rush.