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Municipality spends millions to attract ‘Kompani Lauritzen’

HARSTAD BACKER: “Everyone” Harstad is lining up to bring Harstad to the screen. From left: Andreas Sunde, Deputy Commander, Coast Guard Command – Odd Kåre Sivertz-Pettersen, Director Thon Hotel Harstad – Frank Kulseng, – Sparebank 68° North – Jan Erik Kristoffersen, Visit Harstad – Kari-Anne Opsal, Mayor – Hugo Thode Hansen, City Manager Rikke Gürgens Gjærum, UiT Vice Chancellor – Bjørn Akselsen, Business Manager – Mona Slåtto Olsen, Sparebank 1NN, Hålogaland Business Market – Stian Jakobsen, Quality Hotel Harstad – Trond Dahle, Scandic Harstad – Finn Håkon Jørstad, Nordkraft – Benny Jakobsen, Hotel Arcticus – Espen Ludviksen, Deputy Mayor – Sten Richard Larsen, Head of Coastal Hunter Command.

Harstad politicians are hoping the registration of ‘Kompani Lauritzen’ will finally put Harstad on the map, and are throwing millions after production. – It is important that AS Norge and the Norwegian Armed Forces bring “Compani Lauritzen” to Northern Norway, the Deputy Mayor believes.


Harstad municipality decided to spend seven million Norwegian kroner to attract viewer hit “Kompani Lauritzen”.

– This is a great opportunity for Harstad, Mayor Kari-Anne Opsal (Ap) told VG.

The success of the vision has been recorded in Setnesmoen in the municipality of Rauma for several years. Now the series is on the move and the Sør-Troms municipality of Harstad is hoping to get some screen time from the pearl of the Vågsfjord.

Opsal says it is in dialogue with production company Seefood and is offering SEK seven million if they choose to film six seasons – over three years – in Harstad.

The municipality assumes that the business community contributes financially and can provide half of the sum, while the municipality is willing to seek tax crowns for the rest.

DOESN’T EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT HARSTAD?: Right-wing leader vents fears in city council. He hopes the screen on the TV screen will fix the problem.

Conservative group leader Rune Stenstrøm believes it is a “no-brainer” to raise millions for TV 2. He points out that Harstad may not be as well known as people in Harstad like to think.

– It’s easy to think that everyone knows about Harstad. Yes, many people have heard of Harstad, because they have heard of Sophie Elise or Jan Høiland. But very few people in the country of Norway have been to Harstad, he notes in the municipal council’s review of the case.

LOCAL PRIDE: Aronsen also hopes “Company Lauritzen” can handle local identity. He is the former political adviser of Sveinung Rotevatn (V).

Hoping for tourists

A clear majority of Harstad politicians voted in favor of the proposal. Including liberal politician Even Aronsen.

– I hope it can contribute to some local pride. It’s good for business, and perhaps some tourists heading to Lofoten will want to stop and spend a day or two in Harstad, rather than drive straight to the roundabout, she says.

Rødt and MDG, on the other hand, did not share the enthusiasm to bring logging to Harstad if it means that the municipality has to pay for the fun.

– The city council must have stars in the eyes of “Kompanie Lauritzen”, the whole gang. They have completely lost sight of the road, MDG’s Oskar Alvereng tells VG.

– It seems they want to open the municipal disposal fund without a single critical thought, as long as they go on TV, he says in despair.

The MDG politician points out that there are cuts in the Municipality-Norway and thinks it is very unfortunate to give the tax money to the production company.

NOT SATISFIED: MDG’s Oskar Alvereng doesn’t smile as widely at the municipality’s decision of millions as he does here on a boat trip.

– Playing jokes

He was also critical when the city council addressed the issue.

– Rather than watching someone play defense and enjoy themselves on a pay channel, we could increase the cultural budget or support the Salvation Army. I would rather present Harstad as a city of culture than play games with the military at Trondene camp, MDG’s Oskar Alvereng said during the debate on the proposal.

The post received a correction from Mayor Kari-Anne Opsal, who felt that “doing stupid things” was not acceptable language. At the same time, you stressed that expressions such as “bajas” and “Nessekong” were used during the meeting, which were not accepted.

POWERFUL LANGUAGE: Mayor Kari-Anne Opsal is not known for letting anything go unsaid. She now she hopes to bring the television success of TV 2 to Harstad.

Security policy considerations

Deputy Mayor Espen Ludviksen (Sp) says he has seen absolutely every episode of “Kompani Lauritzen”. He believes it is important to bring “Company Lauritzen” to Northern Norway for security policy reasons.

– It is important for As Norge and the Norwegian Armed Forces. Maybe it’s not that it adds to Harstad and Trondenes, but it’s important for Northern Norway with the security situation we have and the opportunity for defense to recruit in the future, he said in the debate.

TV2: – Depending on local media

The reality show starring Kristian Ødegård and Dag Otto Lauritzen in the lead has been one of TV 2’s biggest hits in recent years.

The next season, which will debut in 2023, was recorded in Åndalsnes in Rauma earlier this year. The newspaper and Åndalsnes newspaper wrote in 2021 that the municipality offered millions to keep the record there.

– We are very happy that Harstad municipality and the local business community are so excited and see the value in being able to host one of Norway’s most popular TV programmes, writes the TV’s press officer, Jan-Petter Dahl in an email.

IN RAUMA: These 14 celebrities recorded a new season of “Kompani Lauritzen” this fall in what will most likely be the last recording in Åndalsnes in Rauma.

When asked why TV 2 or production company Seefood don’t pay each other, Dahl replies:

– To finance such a large television production, we also depend on local support. And this is money that goes directly into production. We hope to be able to bring the “Company” to Harstad, but we have not signed any definitive agreements yet.

– Much more important task

Frode Bygdnes, representative of Rødt City Council, also voted against the proposal

– We think that television companies should pay what it costs to produce their programs. It’s not very fair of them to pit municipalities against each other and ask them to pay seven million, we’re going to spend all that money getting people to stay at home and watch an ad financed TV series that’s already been rumored ? to be a million-dollar hit, she said in the debate.

It highlights the contrast between growing poverty in Norway and the priority of giving millions to a television production programme.

– When 45 people line up when the Salvation Army has to distribute food for the weekend, it’s a much more important task for the municipality than supporting TV 2.

VG presented the statements of TV 2 Bygdnes.

– Of course we don’t pit anyone against each other and understand that there are locally divided opinions on such media. It’s not unique, writes press officer Dahl.

TV HIT 2: Dag Otto Lauritzen and Kristian Ødegård in the second season of the popular TV show. Here from Season 2, which aired Spring 2021.

Attractive for life

Opsal rejects the criticisms of Rødt and MDG.

– There is something called “income acquisition expenses”. We are using this money because we believe that in the long run it will be useful for recruiting at Harstad and increasing income for the business world, she says.

– Almost all cities in Norway with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants are experiencing population decline. So we have to work every day to make ourselves attractive to people who come here, she says.

Harstad Municipality’s slogan is even ‘Attractive for Life’.

In the city council 2 deputies voted against the money for the TV series, while a significant majority of 31 deputies voted in favour.

– I would rather say that a negligible majority voted against, says the mayor.

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