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Municipality of Meerssen | Photo report of receiving decorated people on King’s Day 2024

News item Photo report receiving decorated people on King’s Day 2024

Published on: April 27, 2024 1:10 PM

On King’s Day, Saturday, April 27, 2024, the Vliek estate was again the atmospheric stage for the annual festive gathering for all residents of the municipality of Meerssen who have ever received a Royal Decoration. Today, with five residents in their midst who received a Royal Decoration during Ribbon Day 2024, two who received a ribbon on a special occasion last year and three young people who received a Youth Ribbon. Naturally, they were all put in the spotlight during the festive gathering. Congratulations again everyone!

Mayor Mirjam Clermonts-Aretz among the 2024 Decorates and the Youth Ribbons. Not pictured: Meggie Molling.

In her speech, Mayor Mirjam Clermonts-Aretz put all this year’s decoration students in the spotlight. She not only talked about the background of the royal award of each recipient and of the youth ribbons, but also provided fun, funny or moving anecdotes about the presentation on Ribbon Day.

Fanfare Concordia from Ulestraten led by conductor Huub Nickel provided beautiful music during the festive gathering.

Just like every year, one of the decorated persons also spoke on behalf of all decorated students. This year it was Leo Direks from Bunde.

After a big applause for all the decorated guests, a toast was made to the birthday of His Majesty King Willem Alexander and all those present sang the Wilhelmus. The official part concluded to the sounds of the Limburgs Volkslied.

The decorated people of Ribbon Day 2024 (from left to right) with the mayor:
Annie Heynens-Bos, Harrie van den Boorn, Marie-Thérèse Crombag-Slangen,
Trudy Biesmans-Poldervaart, mayor Mirjam Clermonts-Aretz, Harry Crombag,
Annie Dekkers-Bouwens and Leo Direks.

The Youth Ribbons of 2024 with the mayor (from left to right):
Floris Soeren and Ushi Dolmans. Not pictured: Meggie Molling.

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