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Municipality of Bobo-Dioulasso: Bobolese youth invited to play the role

The President of the special delegation (PDS) of the Bobo-Dioulasso association, Laurent Koutougou Kontogom, chaired the first edition of the Bobolese Urban Youth Day, on Wednesday August 21, 2024. The theme of this day is: ” What was Bobolese’s contribution. youth for the implementation of the President’s Initiative for community development in the society.

As part of an open collaboration with the city’s youth, the city of Bobo organized a meeting with the aim of discussing and involving young people in the city’s various activities. For Laurent Koutougou Kontogom, “this framework is made to work to improve opportunities for the benefit of young people”. According to him, “Youth are dynamic at an economic, social and cultural level and this is the place to continue giving life to the President’s Campaign and its various daily activities”. Many activities were launched in the spirit of the presidential campaign to which young people have always responded. “We have launched the work to develop a road in Sikasso-Cira; the work “Bobo sania-sira” which is in Act 10; the greening of the media,” suggested the PDS in Bobo society. Laurent Kontogom also praised the commitment of young people in the current context of the country and inviting them to be an engine of development.
According to the director of promotion of employment, sports and community life in the Bobo-Dioulasso association, Soma Soulama, “we are in motion. To implement this movement successfully, we need a union of the active forces of the whole city, and the majority of them are young people. He confirmed that a framework was put in place to allow young people to interact with municipal authorities and see how they can support this city in its development. According to Mr. Soulama, “the main goal is to make a good cohesion between the youth of the town and the town authorities, and to seek young people so that they can make their contribution”. The sponsor of this first edition, Oumar Cissé, is very happy to hold this exchange framework with the youth of a village. “If the city decided today to ensure that there would be a rehabilitation day to explain how young people could be involved in presidential campaigns and also how the city can open opportunities for campaigns and associations young people and other layers, this must. be followed to always contribute sustainably to the development of the Bobo-Dioulasso society,” he said. For the youth representative, Samuel Millogo, “we are happy with the call on youth to support the actions of the authorities and to develop citizen initiatives to participate and actively contribute to the development process of our homeland. “
Wende Mi Estelle KOUTOU / intern

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