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Municipality Faces Rising Costs as Waste Bins are Damaged to Remove Deposit Packaging

The municipality is busy with the waste problem. And the introduction of a deposit on cans has not made things any easier. To earn extra money, trash bins are broken open to remove deposit packaging. And that is already threatening to cost the municipality 100,00 euros.

The remarkable calculation can be read in a council information letter that councilor Zita Pels (waste and cleaning) sent today in response to written questions from the VVD. The party has asked how many waste bins are opened to remove deposit packaging and what the costs are to repair them.

Pels answers that so far about 500 waste bins have been damaged by the breaking open. And since repairs cost around 200 euros per waste bin, the bill threatens to rise to 100,000 euros.

To combat waste nuisance, a trial will soon start with donation racks on 23 waste bins in the center. This trial will take three months and will start when the donation racks have been delivered. Pels writes that if the result is positive and the budget is available, it will be determined where more donation racks can be placed.

2023-09-13 17:01:48
#waste #bins #broken #open #deposits #costs #amount #euros

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