Home » today » News » Municipalities in the country collect more than 17 billion kwanzas in taxes in 2023 – Jornal OPaís

Municipalities in the country collect more than 17 billion kwanzas in taxes in 2023 – Jornal OPaís

More than 17 billion Kwanzas were collected in taxes, during the 2023 economic year, by the country’s municipalities, as part of the transfer of services from central to local bodies.

Municipalities in the province of Luanda top the list, followed by Huíla and Benguela. The municipalities of Dande (Bengo), Sumbe (Cuanza Sul), Saurimo (Lunda-sul), Cuito (Bié) and Malanje had a collection of more than 150 million Kwanzas.

This information was provided this Thursday by the Minister of Territorial Administration (MAT), Dionísio da Fonseca, when he spoke at the launch ceremony of the project to strengthen governance to improve the provision of services in Angola called “Njila”.

The government reported that more than 900 services were transferred from central to local bodies, and that, via the citizen portal, they are currently in a position to allocate mining rights for the exploration of aggregates and licenses to provide various services.

The granting of land rights, construction licenses, for advertising, as well as the collection of fines for acts that constitute administrative offenses are part of this range of decentralized services that increase the revenue generation capacity.

Along this path, he said, the management of several irrigated perimeters was recently transferred from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to the provincial governments, as well as the return of the management of infrastructured land to local bodies and several projects in the Integrated Plan portfolio. of Municipal Intervention (PIIM), from central to local bodies.

To this end, the minister made it known that during 2024 municipal accountability forums will be held, an open and participatory governance mechanism, in order to be closer to the citizen, through the Community Auditing Councils, but also through the citizen’s budget and the introduction of new forms of citizen participation in governance, reinforcing democratic dialogue.

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