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Municipalities furious with the Tax and Customs Administration for failure to reimburse benefits affair

Earlier commitments by the Ministry of Finance to pay the costs of municipalities have been withdrawn, according to documents available to RTL Nieuws and Trouw. There will be another top meeting on Thursday about the impasse.

“There is no progress at all,” sighs Peter Heijkoop, CDA alderman from Dordrecht on behalf of 13 municipalities involved and the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG). “That is why we are now ringing the alarm. To this day, no justice is done to concerned parents. We want to help our residents, rather today than tomorrow.” According to the municipalities, it must be clarified much faster for all parents about compensation. “And then it really starts.”

‘Rigid attitude of the tax authorities’

Before the summer, the Tax and Customs Administration asked municipalities if they wanted to help solve the accumulation of problems faced by victims, such as debts, (impending) evictions and psychological damage. This is now in danger of being unsuccessful because of the ‘rigid attitude’ of the service, says Heijkoop. “We want to stand next to our residents, we fight for their livelihood. Many thousands have been severely affected by the actions of the Tax and Customs Administration. These are distressing matters. Years of stress. Loss of job or home. Divorces, depression, school dropout among children. The Tax and Customs Administration. has really been the wrecking ball of a vulnerable Netherlands. “

Municipalities are furious that they are now faced with the abuses and misery caused by the Tax and Customs Administration without compensation or clear agreements. The aldermen, who have to turn every euro in their municipality, are fed up. Heijkoop: “We have been fighting with the Tax and Customs Administration for years. It is the most nasty creditor in the Netherlands, who often does not help people to get out of debt. Even now we are not getting any further. Our frustration runs deep. we want to solve something for our residents, then the service behaves arrogant. People are difficult to reach. Not aimed at solving, but at rebuking. “

‘It’s styleless’

Municipalities are troubled that the earlier commitment of the Ministry of Finance to reimburse costs has been canceled. The government has now stated that aid is a ‘regular’ task of municipalities. “Now we are told: it is not there,” says Heijkoop. “Don’t count on it going to happen.” While people have gotten into trouble because of the tax authorities, he says. “It’s unstylish.”

The CDA alderman estimates that the required amount can amount to 100 million. In August, State Secretary Van Huffelen said the budget is not a problem. And before the summer, Prime Minister Rutte said: “Money is not an issue.”

Risk of failure

In internal documents of the VNG that RTL Nieuws and Trouw had access to, the wish of municipalities is described as a ‘breaking point’ and as a ‘hard requirement’: “Without finances, municipalities cannot contribute to this project.” The municipalities state that they ‘cannot just do it on the side’. They warn against working with the perpetrator – the tax authorities – without clear agreements about what municipalities can do for victims. “The victims have lost their confidence in the government. The Tax and Customs Administration is under fire. It is a great risk of harm when this criticism blows over on municipalities.”

The municipalities where many victims of the benefits affair live are also frustrated about the slow pace of the ‘recovery operation’. Heijkoop: “The essence is: compensation for the parents must be made quickly, quickly and quickly. We must help now. People need immediate support. There are people who are suicidal, people who have no euro cents.” But there is still no clarity, says Heijkoop: “We are told that it can take another two years before all parents are compensated. Then those people will be on hold for two years. What should we, as municipalities, do? It is real. very bitter. “

Privacy rules

Another problem is that the municipalities do not receive the names of victims from the tax authorities due to privacy rules. “We want to assist, also financially, with people who are now in serious trouble. That is why we also say to the Tax Authorities: take a step aside. People are terrified of that unshakable Tax Authorities. Remember: almost always when there is something at play with debts. , there is a relationship with the tax authorities. It is this service that chases people with debts out of their homes. “

State Secretary Van Huffelen was confronted with a critical House of Representatives last month because of the delay in the compensation for parents. Earlier this month, King Willem-Alexander said in the Speech from the Throne that the government ‘is committed to quickly compensating duped parents’.

Start 1 november

According to senior officials – who spoke with a delegation of parents last week – in practice this means that the organization responsible for arranging the compensation will really start on November 1. Of the 26,000 parents, another group of 282 people would be helped by the end of this year and have money in their account by January.

It is still being investigated whether duped parents are entitled to legal support, the top officials promised. Van Huffelen has promised the House that it will let the House know at the end of this month what the planning will be for the payment of compensation for everyone.

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