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Municipales 2020. What alliance strategies for the second round in Rouen?

The first round of elections in Rouen marked the success of the socialist Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol with 29.52% of the vote, followed by the EELV-PCF-Génération.s list led by Jean-Michel Bérégovoy (23.16%), the duo largely outdistancing Jean-Louis Louvel (LREM-LR-Modem-Les Centistes-Agir, 16.79%, current majority shareholder of Paris-Normandy) and Jean-François-Bures (independent, but ex-LR, 10.16%). In the evening of March 15, the merger of the lists was announced between Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol and Jean-Michel Bérégovoy. Last Sunday, Jean-François Bures and Marine Caron (independent, centrist, 6.14%) made public their alliance for the second round. But what will this second round look like after this huge parenthesis of more than three months?

On the left, the campaign picks up where it left off, the day after the first round, on the rallying of the Réenchantons Rouen list led by Jean-Michel Bérégovoy to that of the citizen collective Fiers de Rouen by Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol. Agreement in principle , which still holds according to the latter. His ecological colleague specifies the content: Agreement on some major projects and negotiation on the representation of elected officials on a list, consistent with the results of the first round. Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol and I, we see each other, we call each other, the project continues to build. For the first time, our programs were compatible. The only thing we asked for was that the project be an ambitious project, which responds to the environmental crisis and the crisis we are experiencing, with our weapons.

“So that Rouen looks up”

However, the same Bérégovoy confided on May 8 to our colleagues from 76 Actu that he would say later if he wanted to lead the battle in the green camp. Later, there we are. When you return from an election where you gave a lot, that it is the green electorate which abstained the most in France and in particular in the big cities, you have a little wave in the soul. Especially when you were about to take it away. I had been racing in the lead (in the polls) all along … There was a decompensation , he analyzes today, announcing his determination, as responsible citizen and elected responsible , finally running the marathon to the finish line on June 28.

Regarding the date, this choice, like any other, has advantages and disadvantages, says Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol. The government has decided, now we must move forward , launches the candidate, noting the requirement for a quick renewal of the executives of the communities. ” Metropolises, agglomerations – there are almost 1 200 in France – are now blocked because the elections are not over. From the point of view of the general interest, it is imperative that they can be quickly able to act to counter the economic and social crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Because the real economic levers are at the Metropolis . Gold today, it can act on the emergency, but not on long-term recovery plans , observes NMR, the only candidate to run for the presidency of the Rouen Normandy Metropolis at the same time as the mayor’s chair.

As for this second round campaign which promises to be as virtual as it is real, we will do what we did from the start : innovate. The Fiers de Rouen collective had already held an e-meeting on March 12, who was very successful , and since then launched the Rouen capital site from the following, to contribute to the debate : Internet users can follow lectures from renowned experts in all fields (economy, geopolitics, climate, culture, town planning, etc.). We are not allowed to shake hands, but we must stick together “, says the former impatient regional president ” that we all come together, economic actors, communities, actors from associations, cultural and sporting circles. I’m carrying a project so that Rouen, facing this crisis, looks up. “ The big unknown is the strategy of the list led by Jean-Louis Louvel (3rd in the 1st round with 16.79%) who declared in the same article of 76 Actu that he ” refrains from any political communication during the search for a buyer for Paris-Normandy , the newspaper being in compulsory liquidation. We tried in vain to reach him yesterday. ” I am not authorized to speak on behalf of the Rouen Autrement list ”, details n ° 2 of the list Sarah Balluet, which specifies that the group is ” in full reflection. Nothing definitive has yet been decided Three possibilities: that the list remains as it is, or – given its score – that it abandons the game, or that it tries a rally with the tandem Bures-Caron. Patrick Chabert, 17th on the list, but former candidate for the municipality in 2014, adds: “ We are moving towards a large gathering behind Jean-Louis Louvel. If Jean-François Bures and Marine Caron are not ready, we will see and we can say that they will be the ones responsible for this failure. Today, there is a consensus to hold this rally. Furthermore, if they had to maintain their list outside any departmental party or alliance, how could Marine Caron, for example, remain coordinator of the departmental majority? ” The threat is barely veiled, departmental elections are already looming in 2021 … ” But if there is a merger, it will be complicated “, continues Patrick Chabert who talks about the LRs stamped from the list of Jean-Louis Louvel (who has the support of the party) and the snipers who followed Jean-François Bures, ex-LR.

“We were able to ally ourselves despite our differences with Marine Caron”, welcomes Jean-François Bures, who sees in this union a “ mutual enrichment ” although, as in any merger, there are still differences. ” Since the first round, I have had absolutely no contact with Jean-Louis Louvel. However, to associate, you have to talk to each other. Who should take the first step ? It’s always the one who veered ahead, “ estimates the independent candidate who awaits a possible sign from Jean-Louis Louvel. If Patrick Chabert was mandated and proposed a merger the day after the first round, on the basis of the result, Jean-François Bures believes that it was not ” nothing serious. It’s up to the leaders to come forward to build a solid merger to encourage alternation. ” Gathering or not, on the basis of the 1st round, the lists of Jean-François Bures, Jean-Louis Louvel and Marine Caron only totaled 33% of the votes in the 1st round, far behind the now tandem Mayer-Rossignol- Bérégovoy (52.68%).

Digital campaign

A score skewed by the massive abstention on March 15, the eve of confinement? What is certain is that the date of June 28 for the second round does not make everyone happy. ” It’s a very bad choice, ” storm Jean-François Bures for whom the Rouennais are more concerned about the health crisis than about the elections. ” We comply, regrets Sarah Balluet, but the elections are not the priority of the French. Also, since the polling stations are in the schools, I wonder how the students will be able to return to their classes the next day given the time it took the city to disinfect the premises. “ “It is scandalous to maintain these elections in such a climate of mistrust. One wonders what legitimacy will the future elected with such abstention “, plague Partick Chabert who also fears drifts in the powers of attorney entrusted to Ehpad management “Who are not for the most part in favor of our ideas”.

Finally the conditions of the campaign, without public meetings or door-to-door contact or on the markets and a report on the digital, make some fear the loss of the senior vote while others see in it the need to innovate even more on social media.

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