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Municipal transparency exercise – El Periódico Mediterráneo

Local transparency exercise

Castelló has a municipal government (made up of three bands by the PSPV, Compromís and Podemos) with resources. This is clear from the data on the transparency portal of the town hall of the capital of La Plana that collects the declaration of assets (with assets and remuneration, among other items) that councilors are obliged to carry out once they enter the town hall (in this This case corresponds to the year 2018 because they were appointed in 2019, with the exception of the socialist councilor Mónica Barabás whose information is from 2019 when she was appointed in September 2020) and, again after four years, when they leave it.

Thus, the data consulted by this newspaper regarding the government team, and which are reflected in the attached graph, show that the councilor with the greatest real estate assets is the nationalist and head of Education, Francesc Mezquita, with 316,220 euros , ahead of the mayor Amparo Marco, who has 219,036.81 euros for this concept. These are followed by the Councilor for Tourism, Pilar Escuder, with 87,673 euros. In this sense, there are only four councilors of the 15 that make up the government team on which there are no properties in their name: José Luis López and Jorge Ribes (PSOE) and Fernando Navarro and María Jesús Garrido (Podem). The latter two also do not have a vehicle or liabilities (credits, loans, debts) in their name, according to the same official data from the town hall of the capital of La Plana.

Most of them have tourism and the Mayor Marco and the Councilor for Festivities and Sports, Omar Braina, share their interest in two-wheelers as they each have a motorcycle. Of the three spokespersons that make up the government team, David Donate, Ignasi Garcia and Fernando Navarro, the richest is the nationalist, with a net worth of more than 49,000 euros, followed by Donate, with 30,358 euros and Navarro, who does not count with no property in your name. One of the edilas who stands out for her scarce declared assets is María Jesús Garrido, from the Podemos party, who has 500 euros in bank deposits and 9,483.60 euros in net income during 2018.

According to these data, the government spokesman and councilor for Urbanism and Works, José Luis López, does not have any assets either, but he owns tourism and his net income in 2018 exceeded 38,600 euros.

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