Home » Business » Municipal Social Action Center (CCAS) Moves to New Location: The Same Phone Number

Municipal Social Action Center (CCAS) Moves to New Location: The Same Phone Number

As of Monday, September 4, the municipal social action center (CCAS) will move permanently to the Kohler-Choquet space, in premises located on the ground floor of the building. They were renovated by the agents of the technical service of the city.

The same phone number

Note that the CCAS which was previously installed at the town hall, will remain reachable at or via ccas@chateauneufsurloire.fr

In addition, the business employment space, set up several years ago in Kohler-Choquet, will remain on site, but will incorporate a new office next to the CCAS. Access to both services will be through the door located on the rue de la Fraternité side.

“We wanted to bring them together to allow the person in charge of the active solidarity income to direct jobseekers directly to the business employment space”, indicates Michèle Vercruyssen, the assistant in charge of social and housing.

Citizens who already have an appointment for the month of September will be contacted directly by the responsible agents to be informed of these changes.

2023-08-19 19:22:42
#ChâteauneufsurLoire #Municipal #Center #Social #Action #moving

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