The husband of an official of the Municipality of Saint Vincentin Manabiwas murdered on March 24, hours after it was confirmed that the mayor of that canton, Brigitte Garciaand the Director of Communication of the Mayor’s Office, Jairo Loorhad been shot inside a vehicle.
Carlos Espín Zambrano He was married to a collector of the Mayor’s Office. Saint Vincent. The City Council regretted his death and expressed its solidarity with the municipal worker through a statement.

Regarding the murder of the mayor, this March 25 her remains arrived from Canoe -rural parish of Saint Vincent and where the councilor was from – to the outskirts of the municipal building, where a ceremony will be held in her memory. The funeral will be on March 26.

On the other hand, this Monday activities in the Municipality were suspended, however, until 10:30 it was not confirmed how many days of mourning had been arranged.
About A veilhis body is being veiled in Manta, where he was from. His burial will take place this Monday afternoon.
Ecuavisa reports Brigitte Garcia27 years old, was the youngest mayor in the Ecuador and was a member of the Citizen revolution.
#Municipal #officials #husband #murdered