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Municipal Naples, the pact between Conte, Letta and Speranza: Gaetano Manfredi candidate – Corriere.it

Pd, Movimento 5 stelle and Leu sign the pact for Naples: the candidate will be Gaetano Manfredi which he accepted after the commitment of the parties a resolve the economic and financial situation of the Municipality of Naples.

These the interventions:
1) a procedure for the commissioner management of the debt of the city of Naples (on the basis of a model that intervenes in the capital municipalities of the metropolitan city as strategic assets of the national economic system), along the lines of that in place since 2008 for Rome
2) the extension to the entire three-year period 2021-2023 and the increase from 500 million to at least 1 billion per year of the endowment of the Fund to support the budget balance of local authorities, whose establishment provided for by Legislative Decree no. 73 of 2021 (so-called support-bis);
3) an extraordinary plan for lhiring and retraining of personnel by local authorities, with particular reference to professionals with specific qualifications.

May 27, 2021 (change May 27, 2021 | 16:19)


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