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Municipal litigation: Beaumont confirmed, Montauban and Castelsarrasin pending

the essential
The first decisions linked to appeals following the last municipal elections are beginning to be known for the municipalities of Tarn-et-Garonne.

Three appeals before the Administrative Court (TA) of Toulouse were initiated following the municipal elections of March 15 and June 28. They concerned the municipalities of Beaumont-de-Lomagne, Montauban and Castelsarrasin.

Concerning Beaumont-de-Lomagne, where the outgoing mayor (PRG) Jean-Luc Deprince was reelected in the first round, despite the presence of three lists. His opponents, a bit bad losers, had pointed to supposed “irregularities” during the voting operations. Their arguments were swept away by room 1 of the Toulouse TA on September 29. The election of Jean-Luc Deprince and his friends to the “Your future, our ambition, let’s pursue together” list is confirmed.

“Sad story”

The reaction was not long in coming from the mayor and the elected members of the majority: “Annoyed by their failure in the municipal elections, the far-right opposition through the voice of Mr. Wibierala, the inseparable partner of Mrs. Tonin, had filed an appeal before the Administrative Court of Toulouse, to cancel the vote, under a fallacious pretext. What is the moral of this sad story?…. It is that we are dealing with people who have a conception strange and disturbing of Democracy. The partisans of this fringe of the political spectrum have the habit of contesting it when they are defeated, and of not respecting it when they are elected. History has shown us and still shows us every day in Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey, etc. the list is unfortunately too long, what use they make of it when they are in power: the kidnapping of fundamental freedoms, the regression of the achievements and fundamental rights of citizens . This is proba definitely not the last trick they are going to play on us. It is up to us and to you Beaumontois to remain vigilant and not to let go. The situation of the municipalities of Montauban and Castelsarrasin turns out to be different. “

First the campaign accounts

The prefecture and sub-prefecture towns are part of the municipalities with more than 9,000 inhabitants. These municipalities must first go through the campaign account verification box before any appeal is considered. According to our information, the national campaign accounts commission has not yet ruled. However, the administrative tribunal must wait for its conclusions before examining the appeals. We should therefore be fixed within a few weeks.

In Montauban, the candidate of the National Gathering, Thierry Viallon, eliminated in the first round filed an appeal in view of the presence on the list of Brigitte Barèges of Marie-Dominique Bagur, regional councilor (ex FN) domiciled … in Négrepelisse. Socialist Arnaud Hilion had filed the same type of appeal at the end of the second round, also pointing to the campaign document of Brigitte Barèges, before the second round. They will have to wait.

Just like André Angles (various right) unhappy opponent of Jean-Philippe Bésiers, outgoing mayor reelected in the second round. André Angles had pointed a

An advisor to the mayor of Castelsarrasin filmed herself on social networks in front of the ballot box on election day to call for her candidate to come and vote …

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