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Municipal in Pau: only one opposition list for the second round

On June 28, a single opposition list, bringing together all the left, social, civic and ecological forces, will face that led by François Bayrou, the outgoing mayor.

This decision had been anticipated for the past few days. But the Pau Arc en Ciel plenary assembly still needed to validate the merger of the three lists.

It was done this Saturday. Indeed, from 11 a.m., the plenary assembly of the Pau Arc en Ciel list began, by videoconference, led by Palois lawyer Jean-François Blanco, and came in third position after the first round on March 15 (14.63%).

43 votes in favor, 6 against

It was not far from 2 p.m. when the participants voted “to” get together and make a common list with the Pau Rassemblé list, led by the Pau lawyer Jérôme Marbot and arriving in second position with 21.98% of the votes in the first round, behind that led by François Bayrou We love Pau (45.83%).

A favorable vote also brought together the vast majority of participants for a merger with the list of Patrice Bartoloméo, Pau Citoyenne Sociale et Ecologique (5.37% on March 15).

The question put to the vote was clear: “Are you in favor of merging our list with that of Pau Rassemblé and Pau Citoyenne et Écologique and the proportional of seats”?

Of the 49 votes cast, “43 voted in favor, 6 against” indicates Jean-François Blanco, very satisfied with “this gathering” after the plenary. He will be in third position on the new list, with three other Parc members in the top eleven, Emma Camelot, Marion Bussy and Tuncay Cilgi.

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