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Municipal in Paris: how to use a particular ballot

If Emmanuel Macron announced that he did not want to make the municipal elections a national ballot, many observers see in the difficulty of the LaREM candidates to assert themselves in many cities of France a sign of exhaustion of the government. Three out of ten French people want to punish the President of the Republic and the government during municipal elections, according to an Odoxa-CGI poll.

In Paris, the battle is likely to turn into a fiasco for La République En Marche. In trouble, Agnès Buzyn even started to justify her defeat. She said she had experienced a “very rough” campaign and admitted having suffered from the establishment of her competitors, Anne Hidalgo and Rachida Dati.

“When you arrive in the countryside on Monday and you have to print the leaflets three days later, you are not rewriting a program,” she added.

The municipal elections in Paris operate in three stages. Concretely, Parisian voters vote to constitute a municipal council and district councils. Stage 1: the election of municipal councilors. They are elected for a 6-year term by direct universal suffrage. Voting takes place in two rounds.

But there is a peculiarity: a majority premium is granted to the list that comes out on top. Thus, in the first round, the list which obtains the absolute majority of the votes cast receives a number of seats equal to half of the seats to be filled. What about the other seats? They are distributed on a proportional basis between the lists having obtained more than 5% of the votes cast.

During the second round, the lists having obtained in the first round at least 10% of the votes cast are allowed to remain. “Given the current fragmentation of voting intentions, it is possible that the Paris election in March will be marked by a series of triangles,” notes Le Monde.

It is in particular during this second round that the lists may undergo modifications, in particular by merging with other lists which may be maintained or merged, ”explains the Viepublique.fr site. Indeed, the lists having obtained at least 5% of the votes cast may merge with a list having obtained more than 10%.

Stage 2: the election of the mayor of Paris. Parisian elected officials will thus be 527, of whom 364 are district councilors. The remaining 163 elected representatives are both district councilors and also sit on the Paris Council. It is up to them to elect the future mayor of Paris. “But it is not certain that a clear majority will immediately emerge among these 163 great voters – for example if the left, the macronists and the classical right obtain a roughly equivalent number of elected representatives. Some fear a very fragmented Council of Paris, an assembly where the future councilor would be appointed only after alliances and complex negotiations “, explains Le Monde. Step 3, Sunday June 28: once the mayor of Paris elected, the borough mayors are elected in turn by the borough councilors.

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Some small obstacles for the 1st decan, but they won’t have any annoying extensions; some may be in competition for a job or promotion. For this decan, Mars will be active…

Source: https://www.rtl.fr/actu/politique/municipales-a-paris-mode-d-emploi-d-un-scrutin-particulier-7800633828

municipal election, Paris, Municipal elections in France

World news – EN – Municipalities in Paris: how to use a special ballot

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