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Municipal. In Brittany, the left takes several cities but loses Lorient

The left uprooted several cities on the right this Sunday, June 28 in Brittany in the second round of the municipal elections and consolidated its positions in Rennes and in Brest, a success however tarnished by the fall of the socialist stronghold of Lorient.

In the Breton capital, Rennes, led by the socialists since 1977, the outgoing mayor Nathalie Appéré, allied with the ecologist Matthieu Theurier (25.59% in the first round), easily wins for a second term with 65.35% of the vote, against a background of massive abstention (68.32%).

> Follow the results of the second round of municipal elections live.

The LREM candidate Carole Gandon came 2nd with 17.49%, followed by the various right candidate Charles Compagnon with 17.15%.

Our city is today at the outpost, at the national level, of an ecological social force on which we will have to count in the coming years, rejoiced Mme Appéré, welcoming the victories from the Breton left to Brest, Quimper, Morlaix and Saint-Brieuc.

A fourth victory for François Cuillandre in Brest

In Brest, bastion of the left for 30 years, the socialist mayor François Cuillandre, 65, who was running for a 4th term, is also re-elected with 49.69% of the vote, after its alliance with the ecologist Ronan Pichon (15.73% in the first round). The former prefect Bernadette Malgorn (various right) comes second with 36.41%, ahead of Marc Coatanea, passed from PS to LREM, which harvests only 13.89%.

In Saint-Brieuc, where the municipal majority had left in dispersed order in the first round, Hervé Guihard’s list (PS-PCF-EELV) wins (55.06%) in this city held by the right since 2001. The outgoing mayor Marie-Claire Dourion (UDI) did not stand for re-election.

In Quimper, the outgoing mayor Ludovic Jolivet (Agir, center right), candidate for a second mandate, receives only 39.53% of the votes, clearly outstripped by the departmental socialist councilor Isabelle Assih at the head of a union list PS-PCF-PRG, which obtains 51.24% of the votes.

In Morlaix, the left returns to the victory in the city of the former socialist minister Marylise Lebranchu: Jean-Paul Vermot (PS-EELV) wins with 54.95% votes against the outgoing mayor Agnès Le Brun (various right) who was seeking a third mandate.

Lorient switches to the right

Against this regional trend, Lorient goes right after more than 55 years in the socialist purse. The various right candidate Fabrice Loher won a surprise victory, thanks to a quadrangual, in the fief of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian, led by the socialists since 1965.

Leader of the opposition in the municipal council, Mr. Loher came in first with 35.34% of the votes, passing in front of the environmental candidate Damien Girard (32.83%), who came first in the first round with a PS-PCF list -EELV. The left was divided, the outgoing mayor Norbert Métairie (PS), who did not represent himself, supporting his urban planning assistant Bruno Blanchard (DVG), who came third (19.55%).

Environmental assistant Laurent Tonnerre (LREM) comes fourth (12.27%) despite the support of Jean-Yves Le Drian, mayor of Lorient from 1981 to 1998.

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