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Municipal Elections in Castilleja de la Cuesta: Results, Winners, and Voter Turnout

There are 13,379 people registered in Castilleja de la Cuesta who were called to the polls this May 28, when the 17 councilors of the Alixeño City Council were elected. The mayor, the socialist Carmen Herrera Coronil, aspired to revalidate the mayoralty for the third time after the overwhelming victory in 2019.

At the head of the PSOE, which has won the elections with 43.7% of the votes and eight councilors, is the current mayoress, while for the PP, which has 31.3% of the votes and six councilors, the head of the list is Jesus Rodriguez Rodriguez.

The candidate of the Independent Socialists for Castilleja (PSOIC), Joaquín Medina Martín, enters the corporation with 5.3% of the votes, as does the Vox list chaired by María Mercedes González Alorda Iriarte, which has added 6.73% of the votes

They are left out of the consistory Por Adelante Andalucía and Con Andalucía (IU-Podemos)

Result of the municipal elections in Castilleja de la Cuesta 2019

Carmen Herrera won the 2019 municipal elections by an absolute majority in Castilleja de la Cuesta. Herrera thus revalidated the Mayor’s Office and the PSOE obtained ten councilors, three more than in the previous elections of 2015. The Socialists obtained 4,200 votes, which represented 51.58% of the ballots deposited in the Alixeña polls that May 26.

Ten of the 17 seats in the City Council went to the PSOE, which won three more councilors than in the previous elections, where it obtained seven councilors. The PP repeated as the second political force, but very far from the Socialists. There were 1,916 residents of Castilleja de la Cuesta who voted for the PP, which remained with four councillors. The number of votes gathered by the popular was 1,916, which meant 23.53% of the total votes.

Adelante was the third party with the most votes, with 1,054 ballots, which represented 12.94% of the total. This helped him to obtain two councilors. The fourth force was Ciudadanos, with 696 votes, 8.55%, which earned them to keep the seat they had. The orange formation was left 145 votes away from getting its second act. The independents of ICAS were the fifth party with 185 votes, although this did not help them to remove any councillor.

Participation in 2019 was practically identical to that of 2015. In 2019, 8,214 people voted, representing 60.80% of the electoral roll. Four years earlier, another 8,113 exercised their right, which was 60.57% of all voters. The abstention, therefore, was 39.20% in 2019. There were 5,296 alixeños who did not vote. In 2015 said abstention was 39.43%, with 5,281 people who did not go to the polls.

To these figures we must add 92 blank votes, which represented 1.13% of the total votes, as well as 71 invalid votes, which represented a percentage of 0.86% of the total. In 2015 the null votes were 105 (1.31%) and the null 125 (1.54%).

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