The debt of the municipal core budgets at the end of 2023 will average approximately 676 euros per capita. Symbol photo: infopress24.de
BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG, September 8, 2024 (pm) – As the Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office states in its debt statistics, the core budgets of the municipalities and municipal associations in Baden-Württemberg had a total debt of over EUR 7,645 million in the non-public sector as of December 31, 2023. That is a good EUR 640 million more in debt than a year earlier (+9.1 percent). The debts of the municipal core budgets thus amounted to an average of almost EUR 676 per capita at the end of 2023.
The municipalities and municipal associations in Baden-Württemberg were indebted in the non-public sector exclusively in the form of loans and cash advances. There were no securities debts. Cash advances (loans to secure liquidity) played only a minor role overall, amounting to just under 332 million euros or 4.3 percent of the debt, as in previous years, and unlike in other federal states.
The district municipalities had debts totaling a good EUR 4,175 million in the non-public sector in their core budgets. This represents an increase of a good EUR 165 million compared to the previous year (+4.1 percent). The debts of the urban districts (core budgets) totaled around EUR 1,843 million and were thus almost EUR 156 million higher than the previous year (+9.2 percent).
At the end of 2023, the districts (core budgets) had a total debt of almost 1,628 million euros in the non-public sector. The debt increased by almost 320 million euros compared to the previous year. That was 24.4 percent more than in the previous year.
As of December 31, 2023, the legally dependent municipal enterprises and municipal associations had debts of around EUR 8,445 million to the non-public sector, EUR 321 million more than a year earlier (+4.0 percent).