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Municipal Council Approves Property Donation for Technical School: Casilda Session Highlights

It was unanimous; This is the property located in front of the Alumni Sports Center, on Bv. Argentinian. The complete part of the session this Thursday.

In the session of the Municipal Council of Casilda this Thursday, the 13th, the Corps unanimously approved the request of the Executive Department to authorize it to donate to the Government of the Province of Santa Fe, a property located on Boulevard Argentino, in front of the Sports Complex of the Alumni Club, in Manzana 27, of Section “B”, of the Nueva Roma neighborhood, to be used for the construction of a technical school for secondary professional education.

Also, a request from the Taxis and Remises Holders Association entered the session, requesting that the possibility of updating the current rate by 21% be considered, which went to commission study.

Likewise, ordinance projects were entered in order for the Municipal Executive Department to develop, through the programmer that it considers pertinent, a software application (APP), which will be intended for people with hearing disabilities or other types of disabilities in whose speech and language are altered, can report emergency, alert or risk situations, such as acts of insecurity, accidents, fires or health problems

Another project refers to establishing an agreement for the accompaniment, social assistance and
inclusion of patient users of the health system (Mental Health area) between the Secretariat
of Health of the Municipality of Casilda and the Hospital “San Carlos”.

This is the complete part of the Session:

OF JUNE 08, 2023

1. Minutes corresponding to the previous session. Without consideration, unanimously approved.


2. File Note No. 5912/2023, in response to Note No. 142/2023, through which this Corps requested information on the reasons why the payment of the Educational Assistance Fund (FAE) is delayed. In this regard, the Secretary of Culture and Education inform what is required. Knowledge is taken.


3. From the Taxis and Remises Holders Association, requesting that the possibility of
update the current rate by 21%. Go to commission study

4. From Asamblea Casilda, requesting public information, in relation to the remodeling project and future interventions in the Domingo Faustino Sarmiento Municipal Park, according to statements made by Senator Eduardo Rosconi last Monday, May 29 in a local media outlet. Go to commission study.


5. Note to the Municipal Executive Department, presented by the Councilors, María Celina Arán, Mauricio Maroevich and Rosana Bonavera, requesting that you kindly carry out
repair of lighting fixtures in the entire block of Boulevard Argentino at 2200, as
that after the last storms are out of operation. The
corresponding Note.

6. Note to the Municipal Executive Department, presented by the Councilors, María Celina Arán, Mauricio Maroevich and Rosana Bonavera, requesting that they kindly incorporate Alberdi street at the cadastral height of 3500 (between Vélez Sarsfield and Victoria), aware that a child with cystic fibrosis is domiciled in the place and making it impossible for him to attend therapies, as well as the assistance of doctors to the patient’s home, during rainy days. Likewise, the area is without network drinking water service, for which a Note is requested to be sent to Aguas Santafesinas SA to inform them if the area has pre-feasibility for the extension of the network. The corresponding letter is sent.

7. Draft Ordinance presented by the Councilors Walter Palanca and Manuela Bonis,
through which the Municipal Executive Department develops, through the programmer
that a software application (APP) deems pertinent, which will be designed so that people with hearing disabilities or other types of disabilities in which speech and language are altered, can report emergency, alert or risk situations, such as acts of insecurity, accidents, fires or health problems. Go to commission study.

8. Draft Ordinance presented by Councilors Manuela Bonis and Walter Palanca,
through which an agreement is established for the accompaniment, social assistance and
inclusion of patient users of the health system (Mental Health area) between the Secretariat
of Health of the Municipality of Casilda and the Hospital “San Carlos. go to study
commission, with preferential treatment.

9. Draft Ordinance presented by Councilors Manuela Bonis and Walter Palanca,
whereby the Municipal Executive Department makes it mandatory for a WhatsApp line in all taxi and remises agencies enabled only for people with difficulties in oral communication. Go to commission study.


10. Opinion No. 5149/23, of the Government Commission, advising to give a favorable vote to a Draft Ordinance, by which the Municipal Executive Department is authorized to proceed with the donation in favor of the Superior Government of the Province of Santa Fe of a land located in Manzana 27, of Section “B”, of the Nueva Roma neighborhood of the city of Casilda to be used for the construction of a technical school for secondary professional education. Unanimously approved.

11. Opinion No. 5150/23, of the Production Commission, advising to give a favorable vote to a Draft Ordinance, by means of which Ordinance No. 3365/23 is repealed and the Municipality of Casilda is authorized to deed the property that currently occupies the firm SOLSIDER SRL, identified as lot “L1” of the Industrial Area of ​​Casilda, in favor of the company PLEGAMAX SAS Approved or unanimously.


In use of the word, Councilor Mauricio Maroevich motions “in voce” the sanction of a Communication Minute by which the Municipal Executive Department is requested to proceed to inform if there is to date a record or inventory of the donations made to the Pinacoteca, as provided by Ordinance 141/42. Treaty on tables, unanimously approved.
In addition, the Edil informs that he sent Notes to the Secretary of Public Works and Services requesting:
1. Lighting, vector control and waste collection work is carried out in
Guide me at 4800.
2. Garbage collection is carried out at San Luis 2600 and Miter at 1100.

In speaking, Councilman Walter Palanca mentions that last Tuesday, June 6, the Special School No. 2126 participated in the day of Deputies for a day held at the Santa Fe Legislature.”…an excellent experience for them, really enriching, for which I request a round of applause.”

Finally, Councilman Mauricio Maroevich mentions that together with the Palanca Ediles,
Zarantonello, Arán and Bonis debated about political vocation in the day that was held at the Nuestra Señora Misericordia School, for which he requests that a draft declaration be discussed in the next commission to highlight said activity.

2023-06-09 18:50:29

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