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Municipal basketball championship brings together 14 schools from Chillán – La Discusión

Objective is to promote discipline as one of the strategic sports of Chillán. Contest is in the Under 14 category and the quintets are made up of men and women.

Fomenting basketball as one of Chillán’s strategic sports is one of the goals of the current municipal administration and an example is the Municipal Championship that brings together 14 schools from the regional capital.

Jaime Díaz, coordinator of the competition, agreed with the call to participate in a contest in the Under 14 category, in which the quintets are made up of men and women. “Favourably this year we had a greater reception from the schools, 14 teams from the category under 14 years old participated. It is something unprecedented, since a year ago we made a call for a similar championship and only one school responded and showed interest”, he commented.

“The work that had to be done consisted of speaking with each one of the directors and convincing them that this is the first step that must be taken to show this sport to children. We hope that this championship is the first step for teachers and students who want to learn more about basketball and, why not, dedicate themselves to this”, added Jaime Díaz, who highlighted the support of the Municipal Department of Education to coordinate transportation for students that every Monday and Wednesday they meet at the Casa del Deporte.

Participating schools are Arturo Mutizabal, Republic of Italy, Maria Amalia Saavedra, La Castile, Cox Chapel, Camilo Henriquez, Antonio Machado, Palestine, Quilamapu, Confluence, Colliguay, Madrid, Spain and Mexico, separated in four groups.

The final of the championship is scheduled for November 22 at the Casa del Deporte, at 11:30 a.m.

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