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Municipal agents received their diplomas of completion of studies

n the framework of the Municipal Program of Educational Completion “Learning is Possible”, promoted by the Coordination Unit of the University Agency and Management of Educational Programs, aimed at municipal employees, they delivered certificates of completion of secondary studies to 13 Municipal Agents.

At the event, which took place at the Costanera Multicultural Center, were present the Mayor of the City of Posadas Ing. Leonardo Stelatto, the Coordinator of the University Agency, Lic. Carlos Vigo, the Minister of Education, Science and Technology of the province Dr. Miguel Sedoff and the President of the Council of General Education Prof. Juan Alberto Galarza. In addition, municipal secretaries, coordinators and directors, graduated agents and their families participated in the ceremony.

During the opening ceremony, when speaking a few words, the Coordinator of the University Agency, Carlos Vigo, stated: “For us this is an enormous joy because we responded to a real need that was the exercise of the right to education, in the possibility of being able to conclude secondary studies. Perhaps for many it was a project that over time they could not achieve, and thanks to the decision of the Mayor today, that dream is a reality ”.

He also congratulated the agents and pointed out that on behalf of all those who make up the University Agency “We are very happy with the Agents who were able to finish their studies and we also encourage them to continue studying, to continue training and training.”

This program articulated between the Ministry of Education and the University Agency, with the support of the General Council of Education, allows agents to have a double certification, on the one hand, access to compulsory schooling, and on the other hand, the certification of Professional Technical Training.

Likewise, it is a transcendent socio-educational alternative both for its innovative pedagogical design, as well as for its personalistic imprint that places the person at the center of educational action, redefining classroom work schedules and schemes, adopting the intensive “in-service” course. and turning the person into the absolute protagonist of their own educational process.

The program began in May of this year with municipal agents who owed up to 5 subjects, this was achieved thanks to the articulation with the Secondary Debt Line Final Plan and in conjunction with CENS No. 176 led by director Prof. Ricardo Schuller.

In that sense, the Mayor of the City stated: “It is really a pride for us that this project that we had thought about in May of this year, we can be concretizing today with the first graduates of this program.”

On the other hand, he considered that education does a lot for people, in that aspect he highlighted “Education never ends, we will always continue learning. No matter how professional we are, there is always one more teaching that reaches us and that nourishes us. I want to thank all those who participated in this program and the secretaries who have accompanied the students / colleagues, so that they can complete their studies ”.

To start the “Learning is possible” Program in 2021 there are already more than 90 registered. This year to December 13 Municipal Agents graduated, and in the month of March 12 more Agents will do so within the Final Plan. While the Program in its original format will begin in March 2021.

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