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Municipal 2020: what the Montluçonnais candidates think of the organization of the second round on June 28

Already out of the ordinary for several months with a record of eight candidates vying in the first round, the municipal elections will remain so until the end in Montluçon because of the coronavirus and a second round campaign which will ask the four qualified to innovate to mobilize voters. Unless there is another postponement …

The three lessons from the first round of municipal elections in Montluçon (Allier)

Frédéric Laporte: “Logic of not waiting for chandeliers”

“I think the logic was to respect the results of the first round. And the logic also wanted us not to wait for ages to make this second round. We are going to have very significant difficulties in managing communities so it is time to be able to get to work, ”said the outgoing mayor (LR), who won the first round with 27.03% of the vote.

“We are in an incredible situation. At least the equivalent of what happened 75 years ago, after the war, he continues. And I think it’s time to call the rally too. Elected officials should understand that the best interest is not the individual interest of each list. “

I call for the gathering of lists and candidates who have skills and who want to work in the interest of Montluçon and its inhabitants. This would have a real impact on the community. Because the difficulties are before us and not behind.

Joseph Roudillon: “Not a good decision”

“For me, this is not a good decision,” said Joseph Roudillon, various right-wing candidate on the Montluçon list together with the open list, who came second in the first round with 21.23% of the vote.

And to detail: “We are still in the health crisis and the beginning of its economic and social repercussions. At the end of June, the concerns of the population will be other than voting and this will not encourage participation. “

According to him, “in the urgency that we know, it would have been good to extend the mandate of the current elected officials to allow them to face the crisis. “

I have already said that Montluçon is facing major challenges for the future and they seem to me to be multiplied by the crisis. All of this deserved a more serene debate

However, he said he was ready to relaunch the battle: “When you make a commitment, you have to carry it out with all your might. I’m still determined to take it away. With a novelty, it is that we are going to take over social networks when we had resolutely made the choice to do without. “

Our dossier on municipal elections in Montluçon

Frédéric Kott: “You have to go all the way if the conditions are right”

The DVG candidate from the Pour Montluçon list let’s change the game (19.51% of the votes) said to take “note of this announcement,” indicates the candidate. I considered that we should not make the first round, now I consider that we must go to the end if the conditions are met. Especially since the announcements seem, this time, to take into account the recommendations of the scientific council to which I am particularly sensitive as a doctor. “

This does not prevent him from expressing “the same fears as for the first round concerning participation because people have lived for weeks with fear of the virus. As far as we are concerned, we will do everything to not endanger the population. So no door to door, or towing on the markets. It’s frustrating but necessary. “

Now that political life is fading, I am clearly in the starting blocks for this final sprint, even if I am rather a long-distance runner, to show that it is necessary to restore a little humanity in this city where things s get worse every day

Sylvie Sartirano: “This will distort the sincerity of the ballot”

The head of the Montluçon unlabeled list as of tomorrow (15.36% of the votes in the first round) recognizes that the choice was “tough”, but would have preferred a new full vote in January.

“We are in the phase of deconfinement and we still have this sword of Damocles from a new postponement. I understand that this is good for the Prime Minister who goes back in the polls and who targets the town hall of Le Havre, but I think that this will distort the sincerity of the ballot because the stakes are no longer the same due to the crisis. “

It nevertheless takes note of this new deadline. ” From this evening [hier, NDLR], I will exchange with my running mate to relaunch our campaign on the basis of maintaining our list. “

It will be very complicated considering our result of the first round, but nothing is played. We don’t know what can happen. I see this second round as a “one shot” for four

Michaël Nicolas

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