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Munich today – news from May 29th, 2022 – Munich

If you go to the inn to eat, you always pay a lot more than if you – if you could – prepare the food yourself at home. We all know that, and yet such a visit every now and then is a wonderful little escape from everyday life. The enjoyment of freedom with the palate. Because you are always offered a total work of art. Let’s take, just as an example, the Munich restaurant Großmarkthalle bei Wallner, where the Weißwurst are of course only Weißwurst, but an atmospherically condensed piece of Munich is supplied, which travel guides wrongly locate in the Hofbräuhaus, although the Munich resident much prefers the Wallner goes. In addition to the excellent white sausages, there is a simple reason for this: the rustic, experienced team of waitresses is at least as “original” as the inn at the wholesale market hall, can rhetorically adapt to the Gmias dealer as well as to the random foreigner who snows in, and always has a good saying when serving. A total work of art that you can’t warm up yourself in a pot at home. Alarm calls have been penetrating this ideal world for some time now: personnel shortage! Gastronomy officials join in the chorus of all those who have been complaining about a shortage of skilled workers for years and point to the consequences of the Corona closures, which have made everything much worse. Specialists have left the industry and it is hard to find new ones. My colleague Franz Kotteder has summarized for you the bizarre effects of the staff shortage in Munich.

A fairly innovative innkeeper in the Pellheim district of Dachau shows that you don’t have to give up. He has consistently gone from staff shortage to staff self-defense – and has purchased a serving robot as support. Or: a robot, because he calls her “Zenzi” for the time being. Looks a bit like a cross between a household stepladder and the “Dinette” serving trolley, which our parents bought in the 1960s as a small household luxury, but naturally enhanced with a digital display and app-controlled navigation in the guest room.

Landlord Ewald Zechner, who, in addition to the “Ligsalz”, is also the landlord at the well-known Dachau folk festival, is quite satisfied with Zenzi, although she does not completely replace the service, but always supplements it to relieve the strain. So far he has described the reactions in such a way that customers probably don’t really rate Zenzi as a major contribution to the total work of art in the inn. But what do you expect? He opted for the cheaper model that only speaks High German. There is, he says, also a version that has Bavarian on it. It’s definitely an interesting experiment – and a makeshift only as long as the Chinese manufacturer doesn’t team up with the Wallner waiters and digitize their Bavarian serving.


Freistaat leaves dozens of houses in Munich empty In Hartmannshofen alone, almost 30 properties are unused, many of them for years. The SPD fears that the land will be sold to private investors.

As if housing shortages were a foreign concept for the CSU The Free State leaves dozens of houses empty, and that in Munich. A joke? No, another example of the failed housing policy of the state government. To the comment.

When the class council meets At the Theodolinden Gymnasium in Untergiesing-Harlaching, students discuss their problems once a week. Teachers can only listen. A pilot project with astonishing results.

Are new wind turbines coming now? The Bavarian state government relies on more wind power. She relaxes the 10-H rule so that up to 800 new wind turbines can be built. But for some communities nothing will change – the problems lie elsewhere (SZ Plus).

Siemens brings the ICE to Egypt The Munich company is building a new high-speed network for the African country – for more than eight billion euros. It is a prestige success that is to be followed by further orders.

As in better times Celebrating and dancing crowd on Leopoldstrasse between bratwurst stands and beer benches. At the Corso Leopold, cars, war and pandemics stay outside – almost at least.

A climate budget for the district In the future, the Ludwigsvorstadt-Isarvorstadt district committee will reserve around 15 percent of its funds for climate, environmental, species protection and sustainability projects.

Police operations because of men with knives Within three hours, the police had to move out twice on Saturday with a large contingent because men threatened other people with kitchen knives.



Restaurants in Munich | Bars in Munich | breakfast and brunch

To the counties: Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen | Dachau | Ebersberg | Erding | Freising | Fürstenfeldbruck | Munich | Starnberg

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