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Munich Takes Top Spot for Highest Real Estate Loans in Germany, According to Check24 Evaluation

photo-caption">The strong economic performance and the well-paid jobs in the Munich metropolitan region are one reason for the high loan amounts, according to Check24’s construction financing manager.
picture alliance / imageBROKER | Egon Bömsch

A current evaluation of the price comparison portal Check24 shows that the highest real estate loans are requested in Munich.

With an average of 572,000 euros, Munich is well above the national average of 368,900 euros.

Frankfurt am Main and Hamburg follow with 490,900 euros and 486,600 euros respectively.

In no other German city are such high construction financing requests as in Munich. This is shown by a current evaluation of the price comparison portal Check24. For this purpose, Check24 evaluated all construction financing requested via the platform in 2022.

With an average of 572,000 euros, Munich took first place in the list of German cities, followed by Frankfurt am Main (490,900 euros) and Hamburg (486,600 euros). At the bottom of the list of the 20 largest German cities were Duisburg (EUR 301,700), Bremen (EUR 301,100) and Leipzig (EUR 288,700). The national average was 368,900 euros.

“Munich is known for the high demand for apartments and the high real estate prices,” Check24 quotes its managing director, Ingo Foitzik, as saying. “The loan amounts required are correspondingly high.”

The well-paid jobs in the Munich metropolitan region are also a reason why people in Munich are granted higher loans than elsewhere in Germany, according to Foitzik.

2023-08-30 04:39:42
#Loans #euros #German #cities #property #buyers #borrow #money

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