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Munich Takes the Lead as Germany’s Smartest City, Pushing Hamburg to Second Place

For the first time, Munich has pushed Hamburg out of first place as one of the “smartest” cities in Germany. The Bavarian capital achieved 84.5 out of 100 possible points in the ranking, as the digital association Bitkom announced on Thursday. After four years at the top, Hamburg came in just behind, with Cologne in third place.

For the “Smart City Index”, Bitkom evaluated data on 81 cities with at least 100,000 inhabitants. The five areas of administration, IT and communication, energy and environment, mobility and society and education were analyzed. A total of 157 parameters were examined – from online citizen services to sharing offers for mobility to digital training for teachers.

City in the north is at the bottom of the ranking

In fourth to tenth place are Nuremberg, Aachen, Dresden, Osnabrück, Stuttgart, Ulm and Karlsruhe. At the bottom of the rankings are Remscheid (39 points), Magdeburg (38.5) and Bremerhaven (35.4).

“The fifth Smart City Index shows more precisely than ever before the status of digitalization in major German cities,” explained Bitkom President Achim Berg. The indicators examined have been expanded, and the topic of education has also been taken into account for the first time.

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“We are seeing great dynamics within the ranking and, for the first time, a change at the top,” added Berg. The top 10 includes not only metropolises such as Munich and Hamburg, but also smaller university cities such as Aachen, Osnabrück and Ulm.

This shows once again that “you don’t have to be tall to be smart.” What is more important is professional management of digitalization activities and a joint commitment from politicians, companies and civil society on site. (mp/afp)

2023-10-13 07:01:15
#Hamburg #longer #smartest #city #Germany #overtaken

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