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Munich: New corona rules could put companies “to an end” – “personal shutdown” of the catering industry

Will many Munich restaurateurs and hotel owners soon be threatened with extinction?

© Felix Hörhager / dpa / symbol image

There is a shortage of nurses and hospitals are at their limit. Could other Munich companies also face the personnel disaster? The corona rules are clear.

Munich – restaurateurs and hotel owners have only just started to recover from the long corona lockdowns. But many other companies also suffered severely from the months-long shutdowns. With the vaccination and the introduction of 3G, 3G plus and 2G, this should actually come to an end. No more lockdown. But now the hospitality industry and other service providers are threatened with extinction again.

Corona in Munich: will the hospital traffic light soon turn red?

The corona situation in Bavaria has been worsening for days. The yellow traffic light level has also been in effect in Munich since Sunday. The hospital traffic light could turn red tomorrow, because according to the register of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI), 606 Covid patients are being treated in the intensive care units on Monday, November 8th. The limit for the red level is 600. Thus, the rules are tightened even further and in many areas only 2G applies.

Last week, Markus Söder’s Bavarian cabinet thought that the use of body-friendly services (hairdresser, medical foot care) should still be possible with 3G plus so that the battered companies would not be caught as hard as they did in previous lockdowns. Even in restaurants, people with a negative PCR test should still be allowed to walk – if they have not been vaccinated or have recovered. That sounds good for the industry at first, but another rule could immediately curb the burgeoning euphoria.

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Video: These corona rules apply in Bavaria

Corona in Munich: PCR tests for the hospitality industry and body-friendly services

If the red traffic light is reached, the 3G rule at the workplace applies to companies with more than ten employees. So employees who have contact with other people and have not been vaccinated or recovered have to bring a negative test certificate with them twice a week. However, a simple and relatively inexpensive quick test is sufficient. But this does not mean the employees of the hospitality and service industry, confirmed the Bavarian Ministry of Health once again tz.de. As early as the yellow traffic light level, “unvaccinated and unrecovered owners and employees in the areas of gastronomy, discos, accommodation companies and body-friendly services who have customer contact must have a negative nucleic acid test (PCR test, PoC -PCR test or test with other nucleic acid amplification methods) “.

Angela Inselkammer, President of the DEHOGA Association, said on Friday evening: “The current regulation will put an end to the hospitality industry.” That unvaccinated employees would now undergo a PCR test twice a week at their own expense and pay 800 euros a month for it , be utopian. The companies could not meet these costs either. “The result will be that the hospitality industry will lose massive numbers of employees, as ‘3G plus’ does not apply in many job-related areas such as retail – just as little as the obligation to wear a mask during work,” said Inselkammer. There is a threat of the “personnel shutdown of an entire industry”. (tel)

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