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Munich: More suspects in the drug scandal with the police – investigations are in full swing

The Munich police are involved in a cocaine scandal: A total of 36 officers are currently being investigated (symbol image).


The cocaine scandal surrounding the Munich police is growing ever stronger. 36 officers and 18 civilians are currently being investigated, but the number of suspects is likely to rise – investigators hope that more police officers will unpack.

Munich – The drug scandal * of the Munich police is drawing more and more circles. A total of 36 officers are now being investigated – the group of suspects is still expanding. Who else is in the coke swamp? It was only recently announced that Wiesn host Ludwig Reinbold (34) was also involved in the scandal. He received a penalty order from the local court for 100,000 euros because he is said to have bought four grams of cocaine – from the same dealer as the Munich police officers.

Munich: Investigators hope that suspects will reveal even more customers

From the public prosecutor’s office it is now: “In addition to the 36 police officers, we are currently investigating 18 civilians,” says agency spokeswoman Anne Leiding. “Often these are friends and acquaintances with whom our police suspects had to do.” They were convicted by cell phone analysis.

The investigators are currently evaluating around 6.7 million chat messages, including 6.5 million images and 130,000 videos. According to information from our newspaper, the majority of the accused are already known. But: The investigators hope that suspects, if they come under pressure, will reveal other customers who are also involved in the cocaine cartel. A kind of snowball principle.

“From my experience, I would not be surprised if the process would unearth one or two surprises and other suspects,” says lawyer Dr. Nicolas Frühsorger, who represents dealer Hakan D. (38, name changed).

Drug scandal in Munich: charges have already been made against a police officer

Charges have already been brought against a police officer from Giesing, and others will follow shortly. “The public prosecutor’s office is currently gradually concluding individual proceedings against the accused,” says Chief Public Prosecutor Anne Leiding. According to information from our newspaper, further penal orders against officials have already been applied for. Against six accused, however, the proceedings were discontinued because there was no evidence of the crime. According to the public prosecutor’s office, individual other accused were “suspended against monetary charges or penal orders applied for only minor allegations”.

Lawyer Nicolas Frühsorger (right) in conversation with his client, the dealer Hakan D.

© Sigi Jantz

Hakan D. is considered the investigator’s key witness. He had already named several coking officials – and also testified against the operator of the Heart Club, who is also being tried. The police drug scandal began with a raid in the disco on Lenbachplatz, and later dozens of apartments belonging to the Munich officials, who will soon have to go to court, were searched.

“What happened here in our hometown is a scandal and needs to be fully clarified,” says early caretaker. “We will continue to investigate openly,” promises Anne Leiding.

The police drug scandal remains exciting, especially with regard to the so-called leniency program, which is regulated in the Narcotics Act and from which Hakan D. also benefited. The dealer has already been convicted but received a lesser sentence for supporting the investigators. His drug business case at Heart Club is pending. His lawyer makes it clear: “The assumption that he only unpacked because he hoped it would give him advantages in his own criminal proceedings falls short and does not do justice to the character of my client or the high personal price he pays for it,” says Early carer. * tz.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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