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Munich: a group of students occupies the great hall of the LMU

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According to their own statements, a group of students occupied room A240 of the well-known Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich from ten in the morning.

Members of the group “End Fossil: Occupy! Munich” say they want to campaign for a “socially just and green university”. The group calls for respect for the Paris Climate Agreement, student freedom and observance of the ban on compulsory attendance, political self-government of the universities and greater co-determination.

Book tip: “I’m not green” (announcement)

Nina Schick – A Call for Freedom

Student group protest against climate crisis and social injustice

“Faced with rising prices, growing poverty and an escalating climate crisis, students are faced with a complete lack of perspectives. Rising rents and energy costs are becoming an existential threat to more and more people, especially students,” cast spokeswoman Nicki Gaertner said in a statement.

A Twitter account for squatters at twitter.com/unibekatzenmuc has been temporarily restricted. A press release from the university on employment is still awaited.

This article was written by AZ

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