Saving money on groceries can be challenging, especially when you have a family to feed. But for this thrifty mum-of-two, it’s not impossible. With lesser-known tricks up her sleeve, she manages to save €237 every month on her food shopping. From savvy meal prep to shopping in discount supermarkets, this frugal mum is a true inspiration for anyone looking to cut down on their grocery expenses. In this article, we’ll explore the tips and tricks she uses to keep her grocery bills low without sacrificing quality or quantity. Whether you’re a busy parent, a student on a tight budget, or simply trying to live more frugally, you’re sure to find something useful in this article.
Emma Stretton, a thrifty mother of two, has been saving €237 per month on her food shopping by using lesser known tricks. Due to inflation, the cost of food has increased, leading Stretton, who is also known as on Instagram, to share her savvy ways of saving on food essentials with The website has partnered with her to spread her advice through an article on RSVP Live. Stretton recommends buying the cheapest options and having zero brand loyalty. She also suggests doing grocery shopping online, sticking to a list and getting a Delivery Saver pass for free delivery. Other tricks include introducing the Restaurant Rule, which limits drink choices when dining out, and switching meal prep suppliers to make the most of discount deals. Stretton also advocates creating sweet bowls, providing snack boxes and switching cereal for crumpets or fruit. Finally, she suggests serving up old-fashioned dinners, such as spaghetti hoops or jacket potatoes, to save €31.
In conclusion, there are countless ways to save money when it comes to food shopping, and this thrifty mum-of-two is living proof that even the smallest of changes can make a significant difference. By doing her research, getting creative with her meals, and paying more attention to her shopping habits, she’s managed to save an impressive €237 each month. Whether you’re looking to cut back on your expenses or simply want to be more mindful of your spending, these tips and tricks can help you make the most out of your grocery budget. So why wait? Start implementing these strategies today and watch your savings grow!