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Multiple Fires on Barges in Paris Cause Concern along the Seine

Par Antoine Blanchet
Published on Jan 24, 24 at 5:16 p.m. See my news Follow Paris News

A burning smell is still present along the Seine. This Wednesday, January 24, 2024, the time has come for concern, two days after the fires of two barges on the Quai de la Râpée, in Paris. A third boat also suffered a fire not far away, on the Arsenal basin.

An investigation has been opened to determine the causes of these fires, which are believed to be of voluntary origin. If a man was arrested this Wednesday breaking into a boat, there is nothing linking him to the fires at the moment. On the boats at the dock, the stupor mixes with Fed up.

A completely burned barge

The most affected barge: the Café Barge. The boat, a very well-known party venue in the capital, was completely ravaged by flames Monday January 22 in the evening. No injuries were reported. On site, 80 firefighters intervened to control the blaze. Asked by The Parisianthe owner of the ship, Catherine Dahanevoked a real shock.

This Wednesday, security guards were hired and are monitoring the dock. Several firefighters pass next to them. Today there are some of them looking clues and evidence. According to the first elements of the investigation, combustible liquid was thrown onto the boat.

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Strengthening security

Not far from the burned barge, worry crept across the waves. On L’Adamant, floating day hospital, the surprise is big. “We have been there for thirteen years, and this is an unprecedented event,” confides Arnaud Vallet, nurse in charge of the establishment. Of the burglaries, there may have been some, but arson, never. »

As the caregiver explains, security should be reinforced in this area of ​​the platforms: “We had a proposal on the part of Mazette [embarcation qui accueille aussi des soirées], so that we pool our forces to hire a security guard. » Same type of hiring on the side of Yacht Clublocated between the two barges victims of the flames.

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A situation that has worsened at the Arsenal port

If the time is one of amazement on the Quai de la Râpée, it is a sad disappointment that emerges from the port of Arsenal. A boat, the Petrus, which like the two other burned boats was receiving the public, suffered an outbreak of fire that caused little damage. On these quays where mainly residents live, the flames in the middle of the waves are not a new thing : “Fires of this type are unfortunately common. It happened to a neighbor barely two years ago,” says the owner of a boat.

For these aquatic residents, the situation at the Arsenal port has worsened considerably since the opening of the platforms day and night. “There are people who travel at night, who will squat on boats, and commit damage. We are disillusioned,” laments the owner of one of them.

The fires of recent days have only reinforced a feeling of insecurity already present. “More and more boats are being sold by owners who are fed up. I can assure you that, in the La Villette basin, it is much quieter. »

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2024-01-24 22:19:47
#Barge #fire #Paris #Arsenal #basin #owners #disillusioned

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