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“Multiple Explosions Strike Rotterdam in Recent Weeks: Police Investigate”

Police are investigating an explosion at the end of last month on Strevelsweg in South Rotterdam. In recent weeks there have been incidents with explosives in various neighborhoods of the city.Image ANP

The first explosion took place around 1:30 am in a portico flat on Bilderdijkstraat in Rotterdam-West. The portico was damaged, but no injuries were reported.

Around 5:00 am an explosive exploded at a house on the Olmendaal in South Rotterdam. There was a lot of smoke, according to police. A number of people are therefore being examined by ambulance personnel.

The Rotterdam region has been dealing with a large number of explosions in recent months. This year there were already more than fifty explosions and that is more than in the whole of last year, according to police figures. Police chief Fred Westerbeke instituted this at the beginning of this month News hour that the explosions are mainly related to conflicts in the drug environment. Security measures have been taken, such as extra supervision, and the police have expanded their investigative capacity.

On Friday morning, three young people aged 17, 18 and 20 were arrested on suspicion of involvement in an arson attack and an explosion at the end of April, both at a shop on Crooswijkseweg in Crooswijk. About 45 suspects have now been arrested for the excessive violence, such as explosions and shootings, the police reported on Friday.

2023-05-13 04:14:28

#explosions #night #Rotterdam

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