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Multiple Commitment Credits Up for Discussion at Hausen Community Meeting


Three commitment credits totaling CHF 2.1 million are up for discussion at the Gmeind

On June 14, the community meeting in Hausen will deal, among other things, with the renewal of a water pipe and the replacement of a bridge. What costs are planned and what else is pending in the community.

At the meeting in Hausen, a vote will be taken on a new multi-year loan.

Picture: Sandra Ardizzone

On June 14, several commitment credits are pending in Hausen. This also applies to the multi-year loan for the rehabilitation of roads, water and sewage pipes. The term of the loan is set to run from 2023 to 2028. A framework credit for the renovation and renewal of the municipal civil engineering infrastructure has been approved since the 1990s, in accordance with the invitation to the general meeting of residents. This should ensure flexibility and a short response time for any maintenance work – within the framework of the ordinary budget, adjustments such as short-term prioritization of the measures are fundamentally not possible.

The loan is mainly intended to finance “smaller” measures – expenditures above the limit set for a commitment loan would always reach the municipal assembly first.

Compared to previous years, there are signs of higher investments in roads, which is why the loan for the period up to 2028 is set at 600,000 francs (until 2023: 500,000 francs) – water and sewage are each worth 350,000 francs quantified. At CHF 1.3 million, the total amount of the multi-year loan remains the same as in the previous period.

Water pipe is in bad condition

The approval of the credit settlement of the last credit line (until 2023) is also pending at the community. A fall below CHF 152,760 was recorded.

Also on the agenda is a commitment loan to replace the Münzentalstrasse water pipe. The line is to be replaced in an area of ​​around 280 meters uphill from the junction with Eitenbergstrasse. According to the municipality, the pipes are in poor condition, which is reflected in numerous pipe bursts in recent times. In addition, hydrants and fittings will also be replaced as part of the refurbishment to ensure security of supply and fire protection.

A bridge over the Süssbach in Hausen also had to be replaced due to its condition.

A bridge over the Süssbach in Hausen also had to be replaced due to its condition.

Image: Claudia Meier

In addition, a large part of the road will be renewed as part of the project. The two loans totaling CHF 590,000 are made up of the costs of the road (CHF 210,000) and water pipe renewal (CHF 380,000).

New bridge over the Süssbach will be made of wood

A third commitment credit that is under discussion concerns the replacement of the Süssbach bridge “Geissmatt”. According to the municipality, the approximately 70-year-old reinforced concrete composite bridge shows severe corrosion damage and large areas of concrete spalling. Due to economic and usage-related criteria, a refurbishment is out of the question.

The width of the planned wooden bridge on Geissmattstrasse is to be reduced from around 4 meters to 2.70 metres. Pedestrians, light two-wheelers and maintenance vehicles – and in an emergency also passenger cars – will be able to drive on the bridge. The connecting path to the bridge will also be renewed. This results in a commitment credit of CHF 210,000.

The approval of the annual report and the 2022 invoice are also on the agenda.

community meeting

Wednesday, June 14, at 7.30 p.m. in the multi-purpose hall in Hausen.

2023-06-14 03:03:06
#Hausen #credits #June #community #meeting

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