They emphasize organic means to avoid water contamination
The president of the Multidisciplinary Council for the Environment (COMMA), Vladimir Figarola Unis, assured that this group is looking for a new ffertilization of the field through the use of organic means, since work is being done to raise awareness on the subject; At the same time, they are already working on the donation of organic fertilizers to be able to produce in urban gardens that allow the vegetables that are consumed every day to be self-sustaining with the guarantee that they are healthy products.
He stressed that the goal is that every time you stay away from the chemical products that have so affected the health, not only of consumers but also of the land itself.
“Not only is our water running out, but we are running out, and the little water we have is contaminated water water damaged by chemicals.
He stressed that the other part of the project is not only technical advice but also the provision of fertilizer products aimed at sugarcane growers, of corn, beans and vegetables, counting on a great disposition to bring organic product so that they can produce at a better cost and with completely clean methods.
He also added that they are in the possibility of making alliances with nearby companies in the United States in which they will put the land, the workforce and the organic fertilizerswhile they will be sending the economic resources for the livelihood of the peasant class while the harvest of the products is carried out.
For what Orizaba, is one of the cities that are considered to be able to develop the project of the urban orchards to be able to place some completely organic outlets and, most importantly, to generate sources of employment.