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Muhammadiyah Plans Public Test and Open Dialogue for 2024 Presidential Candidates


The Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (PP) plans to hold a public test and open dialogue for three pairs of candidates (paslon) for president and vice president (capres-cawapres) who will appear in the 2024 election. Deputy Chair of the National Winning Team (TPN) Reward-Mahfud, Gatot Eddy Pramono stated that he had no problem with PP Muhamadiyah’s plan.

“If we’re just ready, there won’t be any problems. Sir Reward“Mr Mahfud Md wants to be invited to a public test, invited to debate everywhere, he is all ready, there is no problem,” said Gatot to journalists in Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Saturday (4/11/2023).

Gatot admitted that he had no problem with debate events between presidential and vice presidential candidates held by any party. According to him, activities like this could be a forum for the public to see the presidential and vice presidential candidates.



“Yes, of course, first of all, the public wants to know what our presidential and vice presidential candidates are like, so that they know very well, oh, this is my candidate, this is the best,” said Gatot.

“And we from TPN Ganjar-Mahfud have prepared everything. Both Mr. Ganjar, Mr. Mahfud Md, and our friends at TPN. We are ready to carry it out and we are sure that Mr. Ganjar and Mr. Mahfud have prepared everything to face whatever it is. debates, public tests or other activities,” concluded Gatot.

As is known, PP Muhammadiyah plans to hold a public test and open dialogue for three pairs of candidates (paslon) for president and vice president (capres-cawapres) who will appear in the 2024 election.

General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah, Abdul Mu’ti, said that the public test plan for the three candidate pairs was an agreement at the PP Muhammadiyah Plenary Meeting. Abdul said that this was also a response to the candidate pairs’ request for a meeting with PP Muhammadiyah officials.

“Yesterday at the PP Muhammadiyah Plenary, it was agreed that they would hold some kind of public test, or perhaps a dialogue like that with each presidential and vice presidential candidate on the Muhammadiyah Campus,” said Abdul Mu’ti in his statement, quoted on Saturday (4/11).

Technically, Abdul continued, the public test will be carried out separately at three Muhammadiyah campuses. In this public test, three candidate pairs will be tested on the program promised in the vision and mission they submitted during registration to the KPU-RI.

“We will separate the implementation, so there will be Campus A specifically for candidate A, Campus B for candidate B, campus C for candidate C,” he said.

Even so, PP Muhamadiyah has not yet determined the date and location of the campus where the public test event will be held. However, Abdul said the implementation would be designed before the start of the campaign period on November 28 2023.

“We haven’t decided on the time yet, and we haven’t decided on the campus. This is before the campaign, so it’s not part of a campaign series,” he said.

Also see ‘TPN Ganjar-Mahfud Forms Youth Winning Team’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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2023-11-04 06:29:43

#Muhammadiyah #Conduct #Public #Test #TPN #GanjarMahfud #Ready

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