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Much praise for the Alnatura campus

The Ministry of the Environment nominates the Darmstadt headquarters of the organic food retailer for the federal award “Blue Compass”. Now the citizens can vote.

DARMSTADT – (red). The Alnatura campus in Darmstadt has now been nominated for the “Blue Compass” federal award from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) – the highest state award for projects to adapt to the consequences of the climate change in Germany and associated with prize money of 25,000 euros. 240 applications were received for this year’s round of the “Blue Compass”; 20 outstanding projects were nominated.

“The nomination recognizes the outstanding ecological quality of the Alnatura site and also the creative expression of this quality in the Alnatura building,” emphasizes Lord Mayor Jochen Partsch. “At the same time, it confirms the correctness of our strategy of enabling high-quality commercial settlements and developing them together with the companies into the best possible location in every respect.”

“With the Alnatura campus, an exemplary, sustainable office building with lighthouse character has been nominated for the Blue Compass in terms of climate protection and climate adaptation,” says Michael Kolmer, Head of the Environment Department. “The building is characterized by excellent energy efficiency and a rammed earth façade. The surrounding Alnatura campus with a children’s nature garden, adventure trail, tiny forest and seasonal gardens implements the 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations in a way that everyone can experience on site. It shows impressively how climate-adapted construction can be presented.”

The audience award can be voted on on the website of the Federal Environment Agency at www.uba.de/tatenbank until June 8th. One vote per person can even be cast every 24 hours. Mayor Partsch and City Councilor Kolmer therefore call on all citizens of Darmstadt to take part in the online vote “We keep our fingers crossed for all 20 nominated, great projects, but especially the Alnatura campus, which as Darmstadt’s flagship certainly deserves every vote. ”

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