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MTA Announces Installation of 100 Secret Cameras Inside NYC Train Cars to Fight Insecurity and Violence in Transportation System

NYPD officers investigate an incident at a train station in Manhattan.

Alexi J. Rosenfeld / Getty Images

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in New York announced this Wednesday the location of 100 secret cameras in train cars for surveillance work.

This is an additional initiative to deal with insecurity in the City’s public transportation system.

At the moment, 65 of these devices have been installed.

NYC Transit President Richard Davey said There are 4,000 cameras on MTA buses. installed, and that with the new devices in trains the aim is to reinforce the security elements in the transit network.

“It is clear from our most recent customer survey data that bus passengers feel safer than those who travel by train“, exposed the official quoted by ABC 7.

Events like the April 12 shooting on an N train car in Sunset Park, Brooklynwas in part what motivated this measure.

Also the incident in which a traffic officer patrolling a 3 train was assaulted in East New York, in the aforementioned county, weighed on the decision.

The Mayor of the City, Eric Adams ordered the New York Police Department (NYPD) to institute patrolling at stations to increase vigilance.

“Two goals. One, omnipresence; two, make sure our officers are as safe as possible,” the mayor said.

The cameras in the cars are part of a pilot program which could be extended to other trains.

For now, there will be two cameras for each wagon in which the system is installed.

NYPD data suggests that crimes on public transport increased by 58% compared to this time last year. However, last April there was a drop in crime.

In the last four years, the MTA has added 4,000 cameras in Metro stations. Overall, the agency has placed more than 10,000 at its 472 stations.

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