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MSD Spain appoints new executive director of the hospitals unit

MSD Spain appoints new executive director of the hospitals unit. The American pharmacist has chosen Diana López for the position. The appointment has been announced this Monday, although it is effective from March 1.

López will be part of the management team and will report directly to the president and general director of MSD in Spain, Ana Argelich. The executive director has a degree in Pharmacy from the Universidad San Pablo CEU and has a master’s degree in business management and marketing management and another in digital marketing.

MSD’s new CEO joined the group in 2006 as a Primary Care Sales Representative. Later, he took care of the specialist area, for different areas of responsibility in the commercial and marketing areas, and led different cross-cutting projects within the organization.

López was director of marketing and sales of the women’s and diversified health area of ​​the company. In 2019, the executive director joined the oncology area as director of marketing and innovation, standing out for the development of strategic projects.

For the president and general director of MSD in Spain, Ana Argelich, her appointment “reinforces even more the management team of our organization and is an example of professional development and talent within our company.” Argelich highlights López’s leadership, strategic vision, experience, commitment to the development and empowerment of teams, along with his innovative vision, commitment and passion.

The American pharmaceutical company reduced its profit by 28% in 2020, to 7,067 million dollars. The group registered annual sales of 48,000 million dollars, 2% more than the year of 2019.

Looking ahead to 2021, MSD’s financial outlook points to a profit between $ 5.52 billion and $ 5.72 billion. The drugmaker also expects to generate sales of between $ 51.8 billion and $ 53.8 billion.

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