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MS: Media campaign on vaccination, supervised by the EU

“1. Effective communication of the message of public utility of vaccination among the general population, with special focus on target groups more reluctant to vaccination, this must be measured by specific media indicators, and the media exposure must be at least 50% in prime time (interval measured on television 18-24). This must be measured by specific media indicators – OTS (Opportunity to see) for TV and proportionally for the others.

2. Increasing the level of awareness that vaccination means health and preventive approach to some dangerous diseases (influenza, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles (measles), mumps, rubella (measles), meningococcal disease, invasive pneumococcal disease and poliomyelitis). For example, every year vaccination prevents measles in 2.7 million people worldwide, whooping cough in one million people and tetanus in 2 million infants.

3. Penetration of the message through the media strategy proposed by the bidder/agency of at least 70% of the general target group (population over 18, national) with the main message of the campaign as follows:

– minimum 70% of the general target group to see the campaign message at least 3 times

4. Penetration of the message through the media strategy proposed by the bidder/agency to at least 70% of the vulnerable target group (people more reluctant to vaccinate – and defining these vulnerable groups as accurately as possible) with the main and possibly tactical message of the campaign as follows:

– minimum 70% of the target group vulnerable to see the campaign message at least 3 times

5. High visibility of the campaign – quantified in the number of audience points, Reach 1+, Reach 3+ and TSO

Regarding the impact of the campaign, we estimate that the promotion on television, radio and also through online means will ensure a significant impact of the campaign at the national level, the provider will monitor the way the spots are broadcast on national television and radio stations”.

The firm that will win the contract will have to provide consulting and marketing services, communication strategy, event management services, PR services, branding services, creative services, production and media for the awareness campaign of the project.

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