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Ms. Benyaich: the Covid-19 crisis has only strengthened the strategic partnership between Morocco and Spain

Covid-19 n’a fait que renforcer le partenariat stratégique entre le Maroc et l’Espagne" data-acdossier="Opinions et Débats">

Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 7:01 PM

Madrid- The “strategic” partnership between Morocco and Spain was further strengthened during the crisis linked to the new coronavirus (Covid-19), underlined the Moroccan ambassador to Spain, Ms. Karima Benyaich.

“In this context of global crisis, international solidarity to face Covid-19 has been shared by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and His Majesty King Felipe VI, given the deep friendship and the fraternal relationship uniting the two Royal Houses and which constitutes the pillar of the unique strategic partnership between Morocco and Spain ”, affirmed Mrs. Benyaich in a speech published on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the accession of HM King Mohammed VI to the Throne of His glorious ancestors.

“This partnership undoubtedly reminds us of the common vision shared by our two countries, that of always being side by side, of defending the major challenges of our time and of jointly responding to all the challenges that our two countries are facing. , with a responsible position and exemplary coordination at all levels, and in a spirit of understanding, responsibility and solidarity ”, observed the Ambassador.

Like all countries, Morocco has been facing the threat of the spread of the coronavirus for several months, she said, ensuring that, thanks to the “far-sighted vision” of HM the King and to the “solidarity and generosity” of the Moroccan people, the Kingdom “was able to face this crisis in unity”.

For the diplomat, these difficult moments that we are living today have highlighted the “human and solidarity” face of Morocco, and demonstrated the relationship of “trust” existing between the Moroccan people and the State, specifying that this relationship has made it possible to provide a series of responses adapted to the exceptional situation experienced in recent months.

“Thanks to the proactive approach of His Majesty the King, a fund was created which made it possible to collect, in a short time, more than 3.2 billion euros, with the contribution of all the forces of Morocco” , noted Ms. Benyaich, recalling that this fund made it possible to cope with the social and economic impact of this crisis and to provide direct financial assistance to more than 5.1 million households.

In this context, and thanks to an “ambitious” industrial policy implemented for more than two decades, Morocco is today one of the leaders in the manufacture of sanitary protection masks, with a production of 14 million. units per day, she continued.

Thanks to His Majesty the King’s commitment to the development and well-being of the African continent, Morocco’s spirit of solidarity has gone beyond its borders, providing medical and health assistance to more than 20 sisterly African countries, has remarks Ms. Benyaich who paid tribute to the “spirit of solidarity and the spirit of responsibility” shown by the Moroccan community established in Spain during the Covid-19 crisis.

“I would like to thank the many associations and volunteers for their humanitarian actions in favor of the most vulnerable. You are a real source of pride, and the action you have taken testifies to your integration into Spanish society ”, concluded Ms. Benyaich.

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