Home » today » World » MRB poll: With significant gains for SYRIZA, the ND collapses – What do citizens say about the motion of no confidence – 2024-04-04 19:28:07

MRB poll: With significant gains for SYRIZA, the ND collapses – What do citizens say about the motion of no confidence – 2024-04-04 19:28:07

The MRB poll on behalf of Open shows the rapid deterioration of New Democracy, while SYRIZA has strengthened significantly in the last month, with the official opposition gaining 4.5%.

Specifically, in the vote estimate (reduced to the total for European elections) New Democracy records a percentage of 31.3% (from 36.2%) i.e. loses 4.9%, SYRIZA 15.9% (from 11.4%) gains 4.5 % and PASOK is the third party with 13.4% (from 12.5%), i.e. it wins 0.9%.

Also, from the analysis of the findings of the poll, the difference between ND and SYRIZA in February was 24.8%, while today the difference is 15.9%, i.e. there is a closing of the gap by 8.9 percentage points.

An interesting finding in the poll is that people are siding with the relatives of the Tempe victims with an overwhelming 85.8% agreeing with their actions against the cover-up and the delivery of justice.

It is worth noting that MRB analyst Mr. Mavros emphasized that 30% of New Democracy voters say that Kyriakos Mitsotakis lost in the motion of no confidence, and at the same time 85.5% believe that the political part of Tempo is not over.

Voting intention for European elections:

  • New Democracy 25%
  • SYRIZA 12.7%
  • PASOK 10.7%
  • KKE 6.5%
  • Greek Solution 7.9%
  • Spartans 1.7%
  • Win 2.9%
  • Freedom Sailing 3.4%
  • New Left 3.0%
  • MeRA25 1.5%
  • Voice of Reason 1.4%
  • Democrats 1.3%
  • Unspecified vote 20%

Vote estimation

  • New Democracy 31.3%
  • SYRIZA 15.9%
  • PASOK 13.4%
  • KKE 8.1%
  • Greek Solution 9.9%
  • Spartans 2.3%
  • Win 3.6%
  • Freedom Sailing 4.3%
  • New Left 3.8%
  • MeRA25 1.9%
  • Voice of Reason 1.8%
  • Democrats 1.6%


The public opinion is not at all satisfied with the Government’s actions on the crime of Tempe, as 8 out of 10 have a negative/rather negative opinion.

In contrast, the public appears to be siding with the relatives of the Tempe victims with an overwhelming 85.8% agreeing with actions against the cover-up.

To the question of whether the motion of no confidence was justified, citizens answered with 54.51% positively (Certainly it was justified 36 / Probably it was justified), while 32.9% consider it unjustified.

When asked who won or lost politically, the survey participants answered:

SW: Definitely/Probably won 29.7 – Probably/Definitely lost 51.3 – Don’t know/Don’t answer 19
SYRIZA: Definitely/Probably won 27.5 – Probably/Definitely lost 47.9 – Don’t know/Don’t answer 24.6
PASOK: Definitely/Probably won 29.9 – Probably/Definitely lost 45.8 – Don’t know/No answer 24.3
KKE: Definitely/Probably won 26.5 – Probably/Definitely lost 43.7 – Don’t know/Don’t answer 29.8
Spartans: Definitely/Probably won 8.8 – Probably/Definitely lost 52.3 – Don’t know/Don’t answer 39
Greek Solution: Definitely/Probably won 25 – Probably/Definitely lost 45.2 – Don’t know/Don’t answer 29.9
Win: Definitely/Probably won 10.3 – Probably/Definitely lost 47.7 – Don’t know/No answer 42
Freedom Sailing: Definitely/Probably won 31 – Probably/Definitely lost 41.3 – Don’t know/Don’t answer 27.7
New Left: Definitely/Probably won 18.7 – Probably/Definitely lost 45.1 – Don’t know/No answer 36.3

Departure of Bratakos – Papastavros

“No one” is more suitable for prime minister

Participation in the European elections

80.6% of the sample says that they will vote in the European elections with the criterion of contributing to solutions to problems related to the EU, but also to the internal ones of the country.

Read also:

SYRIZA: Responds to the “shocked” Chrysochoidis – “We too are shocked by the ease with which he hides his responsibilities”

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Agioi Anargyri: Mourning at the funeral of 28-year-old Kyriaki who was murdered outside a police station

Polls “in the gray” for New Democracy and the blue “knit” that is steadily unraveling

Agioi Anargyri: “I went to the wood blackened and they kicked me out” – Shock complaint after the new revelations (Video)

#MRB #poll #significant #gains #SYRIZA #collapses #citizens #motion #confidence

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