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Mr C, a Thalassemia Major Patient from Farmers, Chooses Not to Have Children

Mr C, a member of the Farmers, has suffered from thalassemia major since he was a child. After he got married in 2019, he once said that he would not force himself to have a child.

[Thalassemia/Anemia/Tinneas Fad-ùine/Galar oighreachail]Today is World Thalassemia Day. Mr. C, a member of the Farmers, has suffered from thalassemia major since he was a child and needs constant blood transfusions throughout his life, so he married Huang Tianyi, the “Flower of Hong Kong and Taiwan” in 2019. He openly said that he would not affect the creation of mankind and that he is currently enjoying the world of two people.

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Mr C’s real name was Zheng Shijun Because his parents had thalassemia and they had never confirmed whether he had the genetic gene, he suffered from thalassemia major from birth and he needed blood in the hospital every month for the rest of his life. At the age of 14, he had a blood transfusion whileaccessshowing helplessness to be sick:

I usually have to match the blood to blood. It’s weird, but it doesn’t matter how hard it is.

He married Huang Tianyi, whom he had been dating for four years, in December 2019. Both had gone through trials before the marriage Although it was decided that the next generation would not be affected by the genetic disease thalassemia, they also reached a consensus that they must not have children. He said:

We don’t really want to have a baby, but we think it’s really interesting that we both get along, and we also like the current model of both of us.

What exactly is thalassemia? According toDepartment of HealthThalassemia Children’s FundandChina Community Health Resource CenterInformation, Thalassemia is a hereditary blood disorder characterized by insufficient production of a substance called hemoglobin in red blood cells. Under normal conditions, blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body through hemoglobin. If the oxygen supply is insufficient, the functioning of organs and nails in different parts of the body will be affected. Because people with thalassemia have less hemoglobin than normal people, they usually have moderate to severe anemia.

Currently, about 8% of the population in Hong Kong are carriers of the thalassemia gene. Gene carriers usually present with thalassemia minor and have no symptoms A small number of people have mild anemia and do not need special treatment.

Symptoms of thalassemia

Thalassemia can be divided into two main types: type A (α) and type B (β). The first one greatly affects the α-globin chain in hemoglobin, and in severe cases can cause fetal death or the death of a child after birth; cell or bone marrow transplant, his life expectancy will be reduced, it is generally shorter and will require life-long blood transfusions and iron removal therapy.

Generally, people with thalassemia minor will not show any symptoms, while people with thalassemia major may experience the following symptoms:

  • Weakness and dizziness
  • Tired and weak
  • Many blanks or thank yous
  • brown urine
  • quick jump
  • The face and skull are distinctive;
  • Excessive hepatosplenomegaly, etc.

genetic risk

If both twins carry the thalassemia gene, the chances of their child having thalassemia are as follows:

  • There is a 25% chance of having thalassemia.
  • There is a 25% chance of not having thalassemia.
  • There is a 50% chance that you will get a thalassemia gene from one parent and a normal gene from the other, and then become a carrier of the thalassemia gene.

So, how can people test if they have thalassemia, or if they are carriers of the gene? According to the information, routine blood tests can detect the amount of hemoglobin or the size of red blood cells, and they can also detect iron content to determine if it is iron deficiency anemia. Pregnancy tests such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) take a small piece of tissue from the placenta as a sample for testing, or amniocentesis to test amniotic fluid, which can also detect thalassemia.

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2024-05-08 04:31:00

#Thalassemia #Day #suffering #thalassemia #major #child #Health #Health #Information

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