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Mpox virus: Reunion on active standby against the new variant

France on high alert in the face of the epidemic of the new variant of Mpox. The WHO reassures: the disease, previously called monkeypox “is not the new Covid”. In Reunion, the system already set up two years ago remains active. The last cases date back to June, no cases of the new variant for the moment on the island.

DG with HCE, AP and JMC • Published on August 21, 2024 at 11:02 a.m., updated on August 21, 2024 at 4:03 p.m.

The Mpox previously called monkeypox has already circulated worldwide in 2022. In Reunion, 3 cases were confirmed last June. But what worries the World Health Organization and the French health authorities is the appearance of a new variant of the disease in Africa. More contagious and dangerous according to the WHO, it has caused the death of 500 people in Africa. And has recently been identified in Sweden and Pakistan.

The radio report from Réunion La 1ère:

This new variant, “clade 1b” is spreading more quickly, which led the WHO to declare the epidemic as a public health emergency of international concern.” France is also at its maximum alert level. In Réunion, the ARS affirms that the system put in place two years ago is still relevant. No cases of this new variant have been identified on the island so far. But the population and the authorities of Réunion remain vigilant.
The report from Réunion La 1ère:

Mpox: Reunion on active standby

The system of the Regional Health Agency of Reunion, set up two years ago, is being maintained.

Nicolas Thévenet, deputy director of health monitoring, recalls the main points: Whether it is a suspected or confirmed case, the protocol provides “contact tracing, vaccination, information of those concerned and treatment of people who have contracted this pathology”.

Specific information for travelers, coming from or going to countries where the new variant is circulating will also be put in place. Vaccine stocks are also up to date, just in case. (see below)

Mode of transmission, symptoms and vaccination. The answers to your questions with this analysis by Jean-Marc Colienne:

Decoding the Mpox epidemic: mode of transmission, symptoms, what you need to know • ©Réunion La 1ère

If at the start the transmission has spread from animals to humans, the epidemic is now transmissible from human to human. Either through saliva, through contact with wounds or through sexual intercourse.

THE symptoms are: fever, headache, back pain, followed by skin rash.

Finally, there is no treatmentt specific. The vaccine is the same as that formerly used against human smallpox. The ARS of Reunion specifies on his website that at-risk populations can have free access to it.

3 centers offer free vaccination to volunteers and interested people:

  • CEGIDD North East (by appointment):

Félix Guyon University Hospital, Allée des Topazes, Saint-Denis
Such : 02 62 90 55 69

  • CEGIDD West (by appointment):

29 rue Labourdonnais, Saint-Paul
(former MRI premises of the former Gabriel Martin Hospital Center)
Such : 02 62 74 23 80

  • CEGIDD Sud (by appointment):

CHU Sud, Pavillon 3
Such : 02 62 35 96 30

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