Home » today » World » MP “Nikis”: Believers distribute cufflinks even inside the Church – 2024-04-26 14:43:30

MP “Nikis”: Believers distribute cufflinks even inside the Church – 2024-04-26 14:43:30

Nikos Papadopoulos, the deputy of “Victory”, chooses the path of polarization, against the official line of his party. After the handcuffing of the MP of the New Democracy, Angeliki Delikaris, in Kavala, the elected member of the Greek parliament, intervening in a debate held in the Social Affairs Committee, appeared to justify the attack by claiming that the actions of the government incite violence.

The position of Nikos Papadopoulos contradicts the official position of “Niki” which condemned the attack carried out by an executive and the suspension of its party status that followed.

“When the vast majority is violated and silenced we will have things like this. Even inside the Church, believers are starting to hand out cufflinks,” said the “Niki” member of parliament in the midst of reactions that did not deter him. “The ND will suffer annihilation from them because it put a patriot and a Christian as a sheep. And you dare to go to the churches that mock you and still go,” he added.

The “goblins” and the… “worse”

The “Niki” MP who appealed to Greeks before Christmas “to beware of gnomes”, speaking about the bill on the civil marriage of same-sex couples, said “the opinion of 10% of the population was imposed on the will of the vast majority of the people (…) ” and warned: “collect yourself we will see worse with what you are doing”.

From the seats of the ruling party, Marilena Soukouli reacted by asking the deputy of “Niki” if he condemns the attack as his party did.

“Of course we condemn the violence,” he said initially, but he made sure to add a but to his sentence: “who is causing the violence?” he pointed out why “you dare to go to the churches that mock you (…)”.

In response, the MP of New Democracy insisted: “what you say is a shame” and “wake up, the people have woken up”.

Nazi’s reaction

The president of Niki, Dimitris Natsios, after the new disagreement, called his deputy for an explanation, who is being referred to the Disciplinary, on Tuesday (23/04).

#Nikis #Believers #distribute #cufflinks #Church

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